Saturday, 20 August 2011

The Return Of The King (Imam Mahdi)

"Allah sends to this nation at the beginning of each century those who renew the religion." [Sunan Abi Dawud (4291)]. This is an authentic hadith that has enjoyed widespread acceptance among Muslims. Muslims believe that a Messiah-type figure (Imam Mahdi) will appear at a difficult period of history to restore the faith and ensure the final victory of Islam.

The Holy Qur'an The Holy Qur'an The Holy Qur'an
The Holy Qur'an

Surah 50:41-45

And listen for the Day when the Caller will call out from a place quite near. 
The Day when they will hear a (mighty) Blast in Truth: That will be the Day of Resurrection. . . .
We know best what they say; And thou are not one to overawe them by force.
So admonish with the Qur'an such as fear My Warning!

surah 50:41-45 Qaf
(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)

The Return Of The Imam Mahdi
“The Mahdi, (the name of the last of the twelve imams, the first being Ali, son-in-law of Mohammed) according to Islam, and in particular its Shiite branch, is the Savior to come at the time of the Last Judgment to save the world. The function of the Mahdi is similar to those attributed to the Kalki of the Hindus, the Maitreya of the Buddhists or the Christ King of the Christians. The return of the Mahdi constitutes the most frequent prediction of the imams. Al-Kultani and Al-Nu'mani consecrated an entire chapter and Ibn Babunye passed down in thirteen chapters the predictions of the Prophet, Fatima and of the eleven imams on the subject of the Twelfth imam.
The obscure presence of the Mahdi dominates totally the religious conscience of imamism during the period of the disappearance of Ali until the return of the awaited Savior. But here and there, throughout the prophetic texts, there are hints of an esoteric knowledge. "At the moment of birth a light pierced the top of the child's head (a possible reference to the opening of the seventh chakra) and reached into the depth of the sky. This child is the Mahdi, He who will fill the earth with equality and justice just as it is now filled with oppression and injustice." 2
The universal precursory Sign of the return of the Mahdi, "He who Guides," consists of the general invasion of the earth by Evil and the victory of the forces of Evil over those of Good. Without such a manifestation, the entirety of humanity would be engulfed by darkness.
Here we find extracts from the eulogies of Ali Talib describing various components of the sign announcing the return of the Mahdi. The Sign consists of the following traits: the people will neglect prayer, squander the divinity which is conferred on them, legalize untruths, practice usury, accept bribes, construct huge edifices, sell religion to win this lower world, employ idiots, consult with women, break family ties, obey passion and consider insignificant the letting of blood. Magnanimity will be considered as weakness and injustice as glory, princesses will be debauched and ministers will be oppressors, intellectuals will be traitors and the reader of the Koran vicious. False witness will be brought openly and immorality proclaimed in loud voices. A word of promise will be slander, sin and exaggeration.
"The sacred Books will be ornate, the mosques disguised, the minarets extended. Criminals will be praised, the lines of combat narrowed, hearts in disaccord and pacts broken. Women, greedy for the riches of this lower world, will involve themselves in the business of their husbands, the vicious voices of the man will be loud and will be listened to. The most ignoble of the people will become leaders, the debauched will be believed for fear of the Evil they will cause, the liar will be considered as truthful and the traitor as trustworthy… They will resort to singers and musical instruments … and women will horse ride, they will resemble men and the men will resemble women. The people will prefer the activities of this lower-world to those of the Higher-World and will cover with lambskin the hearts of wolves." 3
The Qaim (Mahdi) comes to re-establish the lost sense of sanctity. Firstly He will re-establish Islam to its original purity and integrity. 4  The imam is described also as energy-giving. The imam says: "As to the way of benefiting from my presence (literally – "to benefit of me") during my disappearance, it is similar to the profit we gain from the sun while it is hidden from sight by the clouds." 5
According to Majid Golpur, a scholar who reviewed the relationship between ancient Muslim writings and new revelations, some language seem to refer to new cognitive powers that may be associated with the rise of the Kundalini. All the faithful joining the ranks of the Mahdi will be gifted with special miraculous powers, in particular those of super sensitive communication with the imam. "At the time of Advent of our Qur'an," says Ja'far, "God, may He be exalted and glorified, will develop the hearing and sight of our faithful in such a manner that, without there being a messenger between the Qa'im and themselves, He will speak with them and they hear Him and see Him without Him having left the place where He is." 6
This text probably refers to the dawn of collective consciousness, whose property is the connectivity described in the previous chapters. More specifically, we can recognize a mention of the vibratory consciousness of the chakras, which correspond to specific locations in the hands. "For decisions which they have difficulty in taking, they will receive instructions and direction from the imam who will write on the palm of their hands, they need only look and then execute the orders."7
The following language could possibly indicate a succession of imams or the collectivity of realized souls, through the reference of the wind. But, without subtler the subtler spiritual experience, it can easily feed the delusion of self-appointed elect fanatics. God speaks: "O Mohammad. These are My friends, My pure elect, and My proof after you for mankind. They are your legatees and your priests and the best of My creatures after you. By My Glory and My Majesty I will manifest through them My Religion and I will raise through them My Word; by the last of them (Mahdi) I will make the earth pure of My enemies. I will establish him from the sunrise to the sunset throughout the entire earth; I will confer to his power the wind and will lower for him the stubborn clouds. I will help him with My Army and aid him with My Angels until he raises My Name and the creatures acknowledge My uniqueness, and then I will prolong his reign and I will ensure the succession of My Friends over the time until the Day of Resurrection." 8
In this way the awaited Imam (al-Muntazar) Mad-dhi, Qaim, will prepare the earth for the Last Judgment and the Resurrection. The battle of Qa'im will mark the ultimate victory of the 'believers' against their 'enemies' and the universal and final establishment of the 'religion' of the imams. The community of the faithful is a familiar theme of all eschatology.
It is interesting to know that these texts imply a profound criticism of Islam as some parts of the Arab world seem to know it. The returned Mahdi will do as did the Prophet, destroying that which was before, just as the Prophet destroyed the rituals of the period of ignorance, and He will establish once again Islam. Our Qa'im will repair the Mosque and will reconstruct His Mecca. The Qa'im will bring a new Order, a new Book, a new Legislation and a New Tradition. 9
Of course the primary ambiguity of these prophecies is that they may refer to more spiritual and ethical realities or be understood as a militant call for a violent upheaval. But there are texts indicating that these prophecies do not invite the fight of Islam against other religions but rather, the fight of all religions for their inner renewal. Mahdi will equally re-establish the other religions, also abandoned and disfigured, in their original Truth and Purity.
Indeed: "The Mahdi will extract the Torah and the other Divine Books from their caverns and will judge amongst the faithful of the Evangiles according to the Evangiles, amongst the faithful of al-Zabur (The Book of David) according to the al-Zabur and amongst the faithful of the Koran according to the Koran." 10
It is the universal initiation by the imam of all men into the secrets of existence and of their own religions, and this is without doubt the meaning which must be understood by the term Mahdi given by the fifth imam al-Bagir: Mahdi (the Guide) is named as such because it is he who will guide (Yahdi) us in the secret teachings." 11
If so, the prediction of the Mahdi does not announce the victory of zealot warriors who will wipe out non-believers, understood to be other races or religions. Rather, the prophecies talk of the power of love, not the might of hate. They would then refer to the fight against ignorance, no doubt the most formidable of all battles. But if Allah is indeed the Merciful and Compassionate, such is the most likely meaning of the predictions of the imams. The real jihad is an internal fight for our own purification, so that out full spiritual potential might finally manifest. Consequently, even in the stern Muslim prophecies we can read the hopeful and promising light of mankind's renewal. This may or may not combine with events of massive destruction that can still manifest. But let us focus on the hopeful dimension of this momentous period.”

Gregoire de Kalbermatten, The Third Advent
King Printing 2003, pg. 205-8

"The Prophet has declared: The Day of Resurrection will not take place until the True Qa'im rises. This will happen when God permits him to do so. Anyone who follows him will be saved, and anyone who opposes him will perish. O servants of God, keep God in your mind and go towards him even if it happens to be on the ice, for indeed he is the caliph of God, the Exalted and Glorified, and my successor."

Al-Imam al-Mahdi, The Just Leader of Humanity,

"Allah sends to this nation at the beginning of each century those who renew the religion." [Sunan Abi Dawud (4291)]. This is an authentic hadith that has enjoyed widespread acceptance among Muslims. Muslims believe that a Messiah-type figure (Imam Mahdi, or the Mahdi) will appear (or re-appear) at a difficult period of history to restore the faith and ensure the final victory of Islam.
The Messianic Leader, Mahdi, In Other Religions
Engineer Madani: Is belief in the promised Mahdi confined to the followers of Islam, or does it exist in other religions too?
Mr. Hoshyar: In fact, this belief is not limited to the Muslims alone. In almost all religions and heavenly creeds one can find a similar belief in the future savior. The followers of these religions believe that there will come a time when the world will become corrupt and engulfed in a crisis. Evil and injustice will become the rule of the day. Disbelief will cover the entire world. At that time, the universal savior of the world will appear. With remarkable divine help he will restore the purity of faith and defeat materialism with the help of divine worship. Not only are the tidings to be found in revealed books like the Zand and Pazand, and Jamaspname of the Zoroastrians, the Torah and other Biblical books of the Jews, and the Gospel of the Christians, such information can also be seen, more or less, among the Brahmins and the Buddhists.

The followers of all religions and traditions maintain such a belief and are awaiting the appearance of such a commanding figure under the divine protection. Each tradition recognizes this figure with a different name and specific title. The Zoroastrians call him Saoshyant (meaning the 'savior of the world'); the Jews know him as the messiah, whereas the Christians regard him as the Savior Messiah. However, each group believes that this divinely ordained savior will be among them. The Zoroastrians believe he is Persian and among the followers of Zoroaster. The Jews maintain that he will be among the Children of Israel, and the follower of Moses. The Christians think he will be one among them. Muslims believe that he will be among the Hashimites and among the direct descendants of the Prophet. In Islam he has been fully introduced, whereas in other religions this is not so....
It is not appropriate to confine the deliverer of the world, the Mahdi, to one particular nation. He will actually come to fight against all discriminatory claims of racial, creedal and national distinction. Consequently, he should be regarded as the Mahdi of the whole of humanity. He is the savior and deliverer of the people who worship God. His victory is the victory of all the prophets and all the righteous ones on earth. He will be restoring the religion of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all of the heavenly revelations, namely, Islam; he will revive the pure religion of Moses and Jesus which had foretold the prophethood of Muhammad.

Let us be clear that we have no intention of proving the existence of the promised Mahdi by referring to the ancient books, nor are we in need of doing so. Our intention is to demonstrate that the belief in the appearance of the unique savior of the world is a common religious belief, stemming from divine revelation, of which all prophets gave glad tidings. All nations are awaiting his emergence, but they have made errors in identifying him....

After having demonstrated the necessity for general prophethood to guide humanity to its this- and next-worldly goals, it is accurate to hold that the same proof can be utilized to establish the fact that, whenever the prophet dies, there must exist in his place someone who can lead the community to those ends. This person should be someone who can continue the work of the prophet in providing the divine ordinances and reach out to the people in their search for the religious and spiritual path. God's purposes cannot be fulfilled without such a person existing among the people to promulgate those laws without errors of omission or commission. Thus, in the absence of the prophet, God's benevolence makes it necessary that there should be someone among the people to make sure that divine revelation is protected from human interference and interpolations, and that divine laws are made accessible to the people at all times.
This outstanding person must also, like the prophet, be immune and protected from committing any error and mistakes in receiving, recording and delivering the divine ordinances to establish the proof that God's guidance for the people is intact. Moreover, he should be fully knowledgeable about the truth of the religious ordinances and should himself act upon those ordinances so that others can bring their own acts and opinions into conformity with his and follow his example in their search for truth, without falling into doubt and confusion and without resorting to excuses for not having found the proof of religious truth. Since the Imam must also be protected from committing any error in carrying out this great responsibility, it must be pointed out that the Imam's knowledge is other than that acquired through sense perception. Hence, his knowledge is different from the knowledge of an ordinary person. Through the Prophet's own guidance the Imam possesses clear insights into religious knowledge. Moreover, he is endowed with direct experience of the truth through his inner eyes. It is because of this that he is protected from any error or forgetfulness, and so acts in accord with this experience and direct observation of religious truth. More importantly, it is this attribute that qualifies him to assume the Imamate of the Muslim community.

In other words, there must exist among the people a perfect individual, one possessing absolute faith in God's revelation and exemplifying the best character and personal qualities in order to lead people in the minutest details of God's ordinances. At all these levels he must be protected from error, forgetfulness, and acts of disobedience. He must be ma'süm. It is the coming together of faith and action, knowledge and practice, that makes him the personification of all the possible human potentials of perfection. The realization of these potentials indisputably annoints him the leader of humanity. If humanity, at any point, is deprived of this leadership, the situation could lead to the disappearance of the divine ordinances which were proclaimed for the betterment of humankind. Moreover, it could lead to the discontinuation of divine help and could sever the connection between the divine and human realms.

In other words, there should always be a person among the people who is endowed with special guidance from God and is protected through God's benevolence in order for him to provide the necessary guidance and lead the people to their perfection in accord with their divinely endowed potentials. Moreover, through his knowledge and in any way possible, he should aid them in their journey towards their Creator. It is the existence of the sacred presence of the Imam as the Proof of God and as a perfect example of religious life that can make the divine presence known and divine worship possible in a society. Without the Imam's existence God cannot be known or worshipped perfectly. The inner self of the Imam is the receptacle for God's knowledge and divine secrets. It is like a mirror that reflects the realities of the material world, and people derive benefit from these reflections."

"The date of the actual Hijrah as given in Caetani may be accepted as Sept.-Oct. 622, being the month of Rab'i 1. If the ninth of that month would be accepted as the date of the departure from the cave of Thawr, the best synchronised date would be the 22nd of September 622 C. But as the first month of the Arab year was (and is) Muharram, the Hijrah year 1 is counted as beginning on the 15th or 16th July 622 (= 1 Muharram A.H. 1.)"

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989, p 1032.

"In AD 622 Muhammad, encountering religious opposition to his teachings of the unity of God and his denunciation of idolatry, moved north from his birthplace Mecca to Medina, both in Saudi Arabia. This hejira marks the start of the Muslim calendar."

David V. Barret, Sects, 'Cults' and Alternative Religions
Cassell PLC, 1996, p. 27.

"To believe in Him as the Second or the Promised Messiah is an article of faith, because first of all His coming early in the 15th century of the Hidjra was predicted by Muhammad."

H.A.R. Gibb, J.H. Kramers, Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam
E.J. Brill, Leiden 1953, p.24.

"Allah sends to this nation at the beginning of each century those who renew the religion." [Sunan Abi Dawud (4291)] This is an authentic hadith that has enjoyed widespread acceptance among Muslims.
Listed below are the major prophecies of various religions. May the Ummah remember what the Qur'an has said regarding this Great Event - "And [Jesus] shall be a sign [for the coming of] the Hour [of Resurrection]. Therefore, have no doubt about the [Resurrection] but follow Me: this is a straight way. (43:61)"
1. Kingdom Of God Has Arrived (Bible)

2. Young Men Have Seen Visions (Bible)

3. Comforter Has made Mysteries Known (Bible)

4. Holy Spirit Has Arrived To Baptize (Bible)

5. Lord Jesus' Warning Is Now Enforced (Bible)

6. Humans Are Being Born Of The Spirit (Bible)

7. Fatima's Third Secret Being Fulfilled (Christian Prophecy)

8. Golden Millennium Has Arrived (Christian Prophecy)

9. Gospel Of Kingdom Preached (Bible)

10. Scattered Of Judah Are Returning (Torah, Qur'an)

11. Winds Of Resurrection Blowing (Qur'an)

12. Angels sent Forth Have Arrived (Qur'an)

13. Signs Within Souls Shown (Qur'an)

14. Solar Eclipse Of Qiyamah Has Occurred (Qur'an)

15. Blast Of Truth Announced (Qur'an)

16. Allah's Iron Delivered (Qur'an)

17. Revelation Of Light Completed (Qur'an)

18. Imam Mahdi Has Surfaced (Shiite Prophecy)

19. Saoshyant Has Pronounced Judgment (Zoroastrian Prophecy)

20. "I Incarnate Myself Age After Age"

21. Shri Kalki Is Manifesting (Srimad Bhag. & Vishnu Purana)

22. Great Yogi Has Arrived (Nadi Granth)

23. Maitreya (Mother Threefold) Has Come (Buddhism)

24. Nostradamus (Middle Age Prophecy)

25. The Eagle Has Landed (Native American Prophecy)

26. Hunab Ku Has Flashed Like Lightning (Mayan Prophecy)

27. Scriptures Have Contradicted (Bhagavad Gita)

28. Sophianic Millennium Has Arrived (Gnostic Prophecy)

29. Age Of Aquarius Has Begun (New Age Prophecy)

30. Mayan End Age 12-21-2012 (Mayan Prophecy)

Another Sign of Allah that indirectly links Al-Qiyamah and Imam Mahdi is that the  path of 1995 total solar eclipse  originates in Shiite Iran. Those able to contemplate and comprehend this fact will understand the Sure Signs of Allah to lead the Believers to the Reality of the Night of Power and Honor (Al Qadr).
Shiites also believe that the Imam Mahdi will draw out the hidden essence of the Holy Qur'an and usher an era of true Islam. Till the advent of His Ruh not even a single Muslim have been able to explain the priceless parables and esoteric truths of the Holy Qur'an, and raise the consciousness of the human race as to its living, breathing Reality.
"The Unbelievers may, for a time, make a better show in worldly position, or in people's assemblages where things are judged by the counting of heads. But Truth must prevail even in this world, and ultimately the position must be reversed."

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an
Amana Corporation, p. 759, 1989.

"The great root of Evil and Unbelief is self-glory or Arrogance, as is pointed out in several places with regard to Satan. This leads to Envy and separatism, or a desire to start a peculiar doctrine or sect of one's own, instead of a desire to find common grounds of belief and life, which lead to the Religion of Unity in Allah. . . Teaching, Warning Signs have been given by Allah to all nations and at all times, and yet nations have rebelled and gone wrong and suffered destruction. If only later generations could learn that wrongdoing results in self-destruction!"

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an
Amana Corporation, p. 1161, 1989.

I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;
  And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Of what do they ask one another?
Of the Tremendous Announcement bout which they differ.
Nay, they will soon know;
Nay, again, they will soon know.

The Holy Quran, Chapter 78

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Islam is rising in the EAST (Malaysia & Indonesia )


Most people know about the predictions of Nostradamus (a French Jew) concerning the coming of a saviour that he mentioned as “the man with the blue turban”.
A Dutch writer, G. H. Brill wrote in his book The First Encyclopaedia of Islam (1913) about the rise of Islam from the East by someone he called “the standard bearer of Mahdi”.
And in an ancient and famous Javanese book known as Babad Jawa, there is mention about the coming of one “Ratu Adil” (Imam Mahdi) and “Satria Piningit” (The Bearer of his Banner ) who will govern Indonesia and the Malay Archipelago with pure Islamic teachings. Permadi SH is a famous name in Indonesia.
He said clearly that Satria Piningit is the person who will lead to Ratu Adil. Before him is Satria Kinunjara and Satria Mukti Wibawa. Satria Kinunjara is the one who spent most of his life in prison and who set Indonesia free from colonization.

That was Soekarno. Permadi SH also said clearly that Satria Piningit is an admirer and he echoes the message of Soekarno. Satria Mukti Wibawa is a leader full of charisma who filled Indonesia’s independence. That was Soeharto. But Permadi SH also mentioned that Soeharto’s era was still an era of chaos and anarchy. There was no justice until the arrival of Satria Piningit.
Satria Piningit literally means a hidden warrior. He exists but appears non-existent. He is non-existent but appears to exist. This means he is protected by God. In Indonesia, Satria Piningit is also known as Satrio Pinandato Sinisihan Wahyu. This means he will be guided by the knowledge of God or Ilmu Laduni. In Malaysia, Satria Piningit is also known as Pemuda/Putera Bani Tamim.
On one side, Satria Piningit has the good character of Soekarno. On the other side he has the good character of Soeharto. He is brave, vocal but calm and bound by strategy.
That is why Permadi SH said he is the combination of both Soekarno and Soeharto.
His arrival results in the merger of Malaysia and Indonesia. This is a continuation of the success of the Kingdom of Majapahit and Srivijaya. That kingdom united the Malay Archipelago with the influence of Hindu and Buddhist religions.
This time, the Malay Archipelago will unite under the banner of pure Islam. Permadi SH also mentioned this is the turn of the Malays to lead the world. The light of Islam will emerge from the Malay Archipelago and will brighten the whole world.
The signs are already clear and the emergence of Satria Piningit is very near. He will emerge exactly at the time he is needed.
These predictions of Permadi SH are almost similar to the predictions of the Jewish Nostradamus and the writings of G. H. Brill. Verily God in His own way has spread this dazzling news about the rise of Islam in the last era to most races and languages of the world. Almost all races have heard about it. It is exciting and elating news to all Muslims. But to the enemies of Islam, they are wary and very sad.
It is interesting to note that Hindu people is also waiting for a great King in the end of time whose name is Qalki. The name Qalki means the "destroyer of foulness," "destroyer of confusion," "destroyer of darkness," or "annihilator of ignorance." This was prophesized in the Hindu religious texts the Agni Purana which explains that when the evil men who pose as kings begin to feed on human beings and try to destroy the righteous, Qalki, as the son of Vishnuyasha, and Yajnavalkya as his priest and teacher, will destroy these evil men with His weapons. He will establish moral law in the form of the fourfold varnas, or the suitable organization of society in four classes. After that people will return to the path of righteousness. (16.7-9) 
We can see what is happening in the East beginning from the early 15th Hijriah century. We will notice the revival of Islam in the Malay world that is growing and expanding although it is being hindered and obstructed. This is a strange phenomenon.
Malays are becoming the best people in the practice of Islam and they are in the forefront of the Islamic struggle in the whole world today. It is not yet perfect, but is certainly progressing. This is no longer a secret. Although Islam was brought to the Malay Archipelago by Arab Traders more than 700 years ago, only now is Islam beginning to flourish in this region albeit in an era where the second age of ignorance has enveloped the whole world. Islam here did not die nor did it perish although it is was colonized and its enemies tried to kill it countless times.
This second revival of Islam does not follow the system or process of political elections. Islam has its own system. The Prophet choose a different system from the system of his time to bring up and to raise Islam.
He did it through dakwah (missionary work) and education using the divine revelations and the Hadith. His approach was through love, care, brotherhood and fraternity. When the hearts and minds of people are processed through divine revelations which are heartfelt and supreme, there will be an overall shift in the hearts and minds of people and of the society towards the truth and virtue that will bring about an Islamic nation followed by an Islamic Empire.
We should emulate the Companions of the Prophet who rushed to realise the promise of Allah to be the good military leader who would capture Constantinople from the Nasranis as said by the Prophet. They were not told who the good military leader was.
So they wanted to try to be him including Sayidina Abu Ayub Al Ansari who was then more than 90 years old. He advanced towards Constantinople and because he was not the promised one, he died a martyr beside the walls of the city. They were not disappointed if they failed. What is important is to fight for what Allah has promised and to gain His forgiveness and acceptance. Not trying is much worse than failing.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

The Divine Book

After getting lot of emails we have decided to post The Divine Book again. Some of you must have watched The Divine Book before. The Divine Book was second series after The Arrivals.

The Divine Book will present divine proof from our creator, it will uncover shocking truths, as well as attempt to provide light, wisdom, guidance, and unity for those who seek it.

The series describes the divine injunctions given to mankind by the God. It covers the bible, Quran and other old Divine books and tries to explain to us the common orders and divine injunctions in them. The series highlights the theme of peace and harmony in the world and how it is emphasized by God in the Holy books.

Lastly it covers the changes made in the Bible over the passage of time and tries to explain the old and true bible given to mankind by God Himself. It also tries to bridge the gap between the muslims and the christians by drawing out the common things between the two.

The Divine Book from the awakening on Vimeo.


Click to enlarge

Boycott Israel
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the boycott?
The boycott of Israeli products and companies supporting the zionist entity is about ordinary people around the world using their right to choose what they buy in order to help bring about an end to oppression in Palestine. Its a peaceful means of putting international pressure on the racist state of Israel and follows in the footsteps of the successful boycott against South African racist apartheid.

2. Are you boycotting all Jews?
Certainly not! The boycott is not directed at any religious or ethnic group, but rather it is directed at those companies that are supporting the racist occupation of Palestine. A quick glance at the boycott list will testify to this. We do not discriminate between the supporters of Israel - if a Muslim company is caught collaborating with Israel we will boycott it just as vigorously as any other company.

Muslims & Jews united against zionism at the recent Quds Day rally

3. Who supports the boycott, what do our Ulema say about it?
People of good conscience all around the world support the boycott.
Trade Unions around the world, including the UKs biggest trade union UNISON with its 1.4 million members, have called for a boycott of all Israeli goods. Christian groups like Christian Aid have joined the boycott demanding an end to EU - Israel trade agreements. And Jewish groups such as B'Tselem and Gush Shalom have launched their own boycott Israeli goods campaigns.
Among Muslims, every leading Ulema from every school of thought is united in this and has given clear fatwas in support of the boycott. A few examples from different schools of thought are provided on the following page:

4. Are you sure these companies support Israel?
Many people wanting to boycott Israeli products and companies supporting the zionist entity have been frustrated with the lack of accurate information as to which companies to boycott.
To this end we have carried out extensive research to identify the guilty companies. All our findings are backed with references so that you can independently check the facts and understand exactly how each company is contributing its support to Israel.
On our website we have dedicated a whole page per company. Each page is divided into three sections -
(1) the company's product list,
(2) research findings and
(3) reference/additional info section.
You can see the evidence against a company given in the research findings section and next to each piece of evidence is a reference number which you can look up in the reference section to find out the source for the evidence - most items are sourced back to Israel's own newspapers and journals.

5. Surely wherever we spend our money, even our taxes support Israel, so why pick on these companies?
Whilst it is true that the cancerous zionist entity has got its tentacles hooked into numerous markets and economies - sucking each one to nourish itself, but this is no excuse for us not to do anything. The companies on our list are chosen for being the major supporters of Israel - those that Israel itself has honoured and bestowed awards upon in recognition of being its key supporters in the world. If we can successfully campaign against these then the support of the others will, inshallah, evaporate.

6. These companies operate in Muslim countries providing Muslims with Jobs - isn't boycotting them going to harm ourselves?
It is true that most of the companies on the list have operations in Muslim countries and employ Muslims who would loose their jobs if the companies collapsed or pulled out. But we have to look at this as a opportunity, not a loss.
Take the example of Coca-Cola in the middle east, the boycott has hit them so hard that their sales are down 60%. This has created an opportunity for a Muslim alternative, ZamZam Cola of Iran, which is owned by the religious charity the Foundation of the Dispossessed, to take Coca-Colas share of the market. Zam Zam Cola is struggling to keep up with demand - it exceeded all expectations by selling four million cans in its first week. It is now planning to expand by build factories in the gulf states, helping provide local employment. And for the first time even European countries like Denmark, are importing ZamZam Cola.
Similar success stories can be told of Sainsburys closer in Egypt in April 2001, which resulted in a blossoming of local stores which would not have otherwise survived in an unfair market monopolised by a foreign giant.
Also lets not forget that the reason why the multinationals have set up in Muslim countries is not out of benevolence for us, but rather exploitation. Take the example of Delta Galil - the Israeli textile giant whos cloths are sold under the labels GAP, Banana Republic, Calvin Klein, BOSS, M&S and DKNY among others. The Israeli company has factories in Jordan and Egypt in addition to Palestine. Their treatment of workers is such that Sweatshop Watch has denounced Delta-Galils exploitation of Arab labour, calling it a "Sweatshop Czar". Is it really a loss to us to see such companies go?

7. Does the boycott work?
Oh yes! For example, one of the companies hardest hit by the boycott is McDonalds.
McDonalds is a "major corporate partner" of the Jewish United Fund. In its own words, the Jewish United Fund "works to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and, when necessary, responds to media coverage of Israel." Also, McDonalds chairman and CEO Jack M. Greenberg is a honorary director of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

McDonalds has 80 resturants in israel,
providing employment to 3000 israelis.
McDonalds has just announced it is closing down its operation in the middle east due to loss of revenue as a direct result of the boycott (Oct 2002), and is replacing Greenberg as its chairman and CEO (Dec 2002). Since the launch of the boycott campaign, two of Jordan's six McDonald's franchises have closed due to lack of business. In Egypt, McDonald's decided to change its brand name to Manfoods this past March, in an attempt to dodge the boycott. It had no effect and Egyptian police forces were ordered to guard the entrances to McDonald's restaurants, after stone throwing incidents took place. A total of 175 restaurants will be closed at a loss of $350 million.
In the face of giants like McDonalds crumbling under the pressure of the boycott, smaller companies are weary of supporting Israel and are steering clear in fear of being boycotted.
Amidst calls for a boycott of, the internet bookstore terminated its association with the Jerusalem Post (Nov 2002). It was revealed that the Jerusalem Post was donating its slice of the profits derived from the partnership to Israeli soldiers returning home after committing massacres and other abuses of human rights on the occupied territories.
Their advert, which appeared on most of their pages, read "Buy & Support Israel". Inundated with complaints, severed its ties to the Jerusalem Post, demanding they remove all the adverts and vowed not to hand over any more profits.     
Other companies, disgusted by Israel's treatment of the Palestinians have themselves actively joined the boycott.
In May 2002 a US auto part export company refused to do business with Israel.
In a reply to a purchase order from Israel, John Harris, representing Texas Automotive Export wrote:
"We must inform you that Texas Export will not do business with Israeli citizens at this time. We urge you to rein in your military and stop your oppression of the Palestinian people," the letter said. "Your country has lost the respect of the civilised world," it concluded.
The success of the boycott has so worried the US government and Israel, both afraid that companies will abandon Israel, that just last week the US threatened to fine US companies that take part in the boycott. The Department of Commerce has already issued more than $26m in fines and turned down export licences to those companies found supporting the boycott - so much for democracy and a right to choose who to do business with!

8. Can the boycott really effect the Israeli economy?
Israel's economy is on the verge of total collapse with no sign of recovery despite cash injections from uncle Sam. Just last month (Oct 2002) Sharon begged Washington for $10 billion in emergency aid. Inflation is sky rocketing - even the official figure is over 4 times the government target. VAT has just been raised as have fuel bills and all basic living costs like food and rents. Unemployment is soaring and salary cuts are the order of the day.
This has resulted in a series of crippling general strikes - the last one bringing the country to a standstill - flight in and out of Israel had to be suspended, radio and television broadcasts stopped and health workers only dealt with emergencies. The streets are piling up with uncollected garbage.
Foreign investment, a life-line for the zionist state, has also dried up. Figures reveal that investors have lost $5 billion of the $6.5 billion invested in Israel between 1999-2001. No one is prepared to invest any more.
The Israeli government is so short of money that its cost cutting includes shutting down several embassies and consulates around the world!
At this critical time, the importance of the global boycott of Israel and of the collaborating companies that give it its life-line cannot be overemphasised. Israel is counting every penny - every penny matters - ensure yours don't go to Israel!

9. Is there a printable list of the companies and brands to boycott?
Yes there is a leaflet designed for printing available for download on the following page:
Also there is an e-card with the logos of the companies to boycott which you can send to all your friends. Its available at the Islamic Card Centre:

10. What else can I do to help?
1. Tell Others
Its essential that others know about the boycott and specifically which companies to boycott. Make a point of printing a 100 copies of the leaflet mentioned above[8] and give them out in your community - at Jummah prayers or other gatherings. Talk to people about the boycott, with non-Muslims draw the parallels between this boycott and the one against apartheid in South Africa.
We are grateful to the many individuals and groups around the world who have already helped in spreading the boycott. A few examples come to mind:
  • A Muslim group in Bosnia carried out a huge poster and leaflet campaign, with activists distributing 40,000 leaflets in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and parts of Yugoslavia. Their success has drawn the attention of the zionist Simon Wiesenthal Centre [April 2002].
  • Just recently [December 2002] a similar leaflet campaign advertising our website and the boycott has been carried out in Australia resulting in newspapers articles and tv and radio coverage - we have been labelled as "preaching anti-globalisation" by one paper!
  • In Hong Kong a boycott advert with our website has been placed in one of the Chinese newspapers. A reader sent us a copy.
  • Crescent International have been placing, without cost to us, boycott adverts with our web address in most issues of their paper. They even designed the advert themselves - we only found out when we received our copy of the paper.
  • A few Muslims in Birmingham got together and paid for the printing of 10,000 colour boycott leaflets (which they approached us to design). The leaflets were distributed through out the UK.
  • One school has seen the importance of the role of children in keeping a family away from boycotted products, and has taken the initiative of giving each of its 500 pupils a copy of our boycott leaflet.
  • Many Muslim and non-Muslim websites now carry our banner and boycott news ticker.
2. Write Letters
For a boycott to be effective, it must be followed up with a letter writing campaign to inform the companies that we are boycotting their products until they stop collaborating with Israel. See our letter writing campaign page for sample letters and advise of letter writing.
    3. Picket
More and more individuals are beginning to take direct action against companies that support Israel. On form of direct action is to picket the guilty companies.
Picketing is a form of public protest and aims to draw attention to the realities of Palestinian suffering by exposing those that help to sustain it. It embarrasses those shoppers that know they shouldn't be shopping there, informs those shoppers that are not aware of the moral objections as well as irritating supporters of Israel generally.
The companies themselves become aware of the protests and news of pickets goes all the way to the top. See our guide on picketing to find out if there a picket near you and how to join it. The guide also includes tips on setting up your own picket and legal FAQ on what your rights are when picketing.
    4. Other boycotts
The boycott of Israel is much more than just an economic boycott. Support the sports and cultural boycotts. For more information see:
Cultural Boycott:
Sports Boycott:

Sports Boycott in action - activists liberate the pitch!
At a recent Scotland Vs Israel football match it was revealed
that 21 of the 22 man israeli football squad were serving soldiers,
no doubt war criminals returning from Jenin.


Wednesday, 10 August 2011

The Secret of Mekah and Golden Number Phi 1.618


“Allah has appointed a measure for all things..” (Surat at-Talaq, 3)

…You will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again – do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted!(Surat al-Mulk, 3-4)

He to Whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs. He does not have a son and He has no partner in the Kingdom. He created everything and determined it most exactly. (Surat al-Furqan, 2)


•    The ratio of the total length of the two front teeth in the upper jaw by their height

•    The ratio of the width of the first tooth from the center by the second

•    The ratio of the length of the face by its width

•    The ratio of the distance between the lip and where the eyebrows meet by the length of the nose

•    The ratio of the length of the face by the distance between the tip of the chin and where the eyebrows meet

•    The ratio of the height of the mouth by its width

•    And that of the width of the nose by the distance between the nostrils all produce THE GOLDEN RATIO.









The first House established for mankind was that at Bakka [Mecca], a place of blessing and a guidance for all beings [the Kaaba].


47/1.618 = 29



This extraordinary ratio which prevails everywhere in the world is major evidence that Allah has created everything within an order, measure, symmetry and perfection. The whole universe is a sign leading to faith displaying Allah’s sublime and matchless works. There is no doubt that Allah is mighty and powerful enough to create an even more sublime and immaculate artistry.

Phi – The amazing number behind the Golden Ratio or Divine Proportion

"Geometry has two great treasures: one is the Theorem of Pythagoras; the other, the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a measure of gold; the second we may name a precious jewel."  Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630

Golden ratio in Nautilus shellGolden ratio in body of an antGolden ratio in human faceGolden ratio in violin design

What makes a single number so interesting that ancient Greeks, Renaissance artists, a 17th century astronomer and a 21st century novelist all would write about it?  This “golden” number, 1.61803399, represented by the Greek letter Phi, is known as the Golden Ratio, Golden Proportion, Golden Mean, Golden Section and Divine Proportion. It was written about by Euclid in “Elements” around 300 B.C., by Luca Pacioli, a contemporary of Leonardo Da Vinci, in "De Divina Proportione" in 1509, by Johannes Kepler around 1600 and by Dan Brown in 2003 in his best selling novel, “The Da Vinci Code.”

With the movie release of the “The Da Vinci Code”, the quest to know Phi was brought even more into the mainstream of pop culture. The allure of “The Da Vinci Code” was that it creatively integrated fiction with both fact and myth from art, history, theology and mathematics, leaving the reader never really knowing what was truth and what was not. This site studies this golden number Phi and its mathematical cousin, the Fibonacci series both of which have roles in the plot of this murder mystery, and distinguishes between the myth and the math.

Mathematics of the Golden Ratio

This Golden Ratio truly is unique in its mathematical properties and pervasive in its appearance throughout nature. The “mathematically challenged” may be more interested in the appearances of Phi in  nature its application to art, architecture  and  design, and its potential for insights into the spiritual  realm, but let’s begin with the purest of facts about Phi, which are found in  mathematics.

Most everyone learned about the number Pi in school, but relatively few curriculums included Phi, perhaps for the very reason that grasping all its manifestations often takes one beyond the academic into the realm of the spiritual just by the simple fact that Phi unveils a constant of design that applies to so many aspects of life. Both Pi and Phi are irrational numbers with an infinite number of digits after the decimal point, as indicated by “…”, the ellipsis.

Where Pi or  p (3.14…) is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, Phi or Φ (1.618…) is the  Golden Ratio  that results when a line is divided in one very special and unique way.

To illustrate, suppose you were asked to take a string and cut it. There’s any number of places that you could cut it, and each place would result in different ratios for the length of the small piece to the large piece, and of the large piece to the entire string. There is one unique point, however, at which the ratio of the large piece to the small piece is exactly the same as the ratio of the whole string to the large piece, and at this point this Golden Ratio of both is 1.618 to 1, or Phi.

What makes this so much more than an interesting exercise in mathematics is that this proportion appears throughout creation and extensively in the human  face  and body . It’s found in the proportions of many other  animals , in plants , in the  solar system  and even in the price and timing movements of stock markets . Its appeal thus ranges from mathematicians to naturalists to artists to investors to mystics.

Part of the uniqueness of Phi is that it can be derived in many other ways than segmenting a line. Phi is the only number whose square is greater than itself by one, expressed mathematically  as Φ² = Φ + 1 = 2.618. Phi is also the only number whose reciprocal is less than itself by one, expressed as 1/Φ = Φ - 1 = 0.618. Where 1.618 is represented in upper case as Phi or Φ, its near twin or reciprocal, 0.618, is often represented in lower case as phi or φ. 

The Fibonacci series, also a plot element in “The Da Vinci Code,” provides yet another way to derive Phi mathematically. The series is quite simple. Start with 0 and add 1 to get 1. Then repeat the process of adding each two numbers in the series to determine the next one: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, and so on. The relationship to the Golden Ratio or Phi is found by dividing each number by the one before it. The further you go in the series, the closer the result gets to Phi. For example, while 5/3 = 1.666 and 13/8 = 1.625, go further into the series and you’ll find that 233/144 = 1.61805, a very close approximation of Phi, which to ten decimal places is 1.6180339887.

Geometry of the Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio is also found in  geometry, appearing in basic constructions of an equilateral triangle, square and pentagon placed inside a circle, as well as in more complex three-dimensional solids such as dodecahedrons, icosahedrons and “ Bucky balls,” which were named for Buckminster Fuller and are the basis for the shapes of both Carbon 60 and soccer balls.

Life and the Golden Ratio

There are many other fascinating mathematical relationships and oddities in both Phi and the Fibonacci series that can be explored in more depth, but for now let’s now take a step away from the purely mathematical and venture into nature, where Phi and the Fibonacci series manifest themselves pervasively, but not universally. Fibonacci numbers frequently appear in the numbers of petals in a flower. The positions and proportions of the key dimensions of many, if not most, animals  are based on Phi. Examples include the body sections of ants and other insects, the wing dimensions and location of eye-like spots on moths, the spirals of sea shells and the position of the dorsal fins on porpoises. Even the spirals of human DNA embody phi proportions. More intriguing yet is the extensive appearance of Phi throughout the human form and the impact that this has on our perceptions of human beauty.

Some would argue that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there is sound basis in scientific study and evidence to support that what we perceive as beauty in both men and women is based on how closely the proportions of facial and body dimensions come to Phi. It seems that Phi is hard-wired into our consciousness as a guide to beauty. For this reason, Phi is applied in both  facial plastic surgery  and  cosmetic dentistry  as a guide to achieving the most natural and beautiful results in facial features and appearance.

Art, Architecture and Design

With all the unique mathematical properties of Phi and its appearance throughout creation, it’s little wonder that mankind would not only take notice of this number and the Golden Ratio it creates, but also use it to capture the beauty and harmony of nature in our own creations.  In some cases, mankind’s application of Phi is undeniable. In other cases, it is still the subject of debate. The Great Pyramid of Egypt appears to embody the Golden Ratio in the ratios of its base, height and hypotenuse, but its state of ruin and the absence of the mention of Phi in ancient Egyptian writings make it difficult to prove conclusively that this was by design.

Since the Greeks knew of Phi at the time of the building of the Parthenon, it seems quite clear to many that the Golden Ratio relationships found therein were by design, yet the evidence is not complete and there are those who contest this as well. It is recognized that Leonardo Da Vinci  used Phi, known in the 1500’s as “The Divine Proportion,” in a number of his paintings. While this is undeniable, some see Phi relationships where others do not believe they were intended.

The dimensions of the treasured Stradivarius violins built around 1700 show clear Phi relationships. More modern applications of the Golden Ratio in  architecture  can be seen in Notre Dame in Paris, the United Nations building in New York and the CN Tower in Toronto. It's commonly used in the design of  logos  by many major corporations.  It’s even being used in high fashion clothing  design  in the “Phi Collection” announced in 2004 and covered by Vogue, Elle and Vanity Fair.

New Discoveries involving the Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio continues to open new doors in our understanding of life and the universe. It appeared in Roger Penrose's discovery in the 1970's of "Penrose Tiles," which allowed surfaces to be tiled in five-fold symmetry, a task previously thought impossible. It appeared again in the 1980's in the three-dimensional molecular arrangement of quasi-crystals, a newly discovered form of matter. As we enter the 21st century, Phi seems to be having a rebirth in integrating knowledge across a wide variety of fields of study, including time and quantum physics.

Spiritual Aspects

The description of this golden proportion as the Divine proportion is perhaps fitting because it is seen by many as a door to a deeper understanding of beauty  and spirituality in life. That's an incredible role for a single number to play, but then again this one number has played an incredible role in human history and in the foundations of life itself. The line between its mathematical and mystical aspects is thus not easily drawn. Phi does not appear explicitly in the Bible or other ancient scriptures, yet we find that the dimensions given by God to Noah for the Ark and to Moses for the Ark of the Covenant both reflect a 5 to 3 proportion, Fibonacci numbers with a ratio of 1.666, and a reasonably close approximation to Phi.  Curiously enough, even the symbol for Phi, a circle with a line drawn through it, can be thought to represent a zero, or void, divided by one, or Unity, to create beauty, analogous to God creating the universe from nothing.

A Journey of Discovery

In matters of reason, seeing is believing but in matters of faith, it is believing that first opens the door to seeing. Just as we need two eyes to add depth to our perception in vision, both faith and reason serve us in adding depth to our understanding of life and the universe in which we live. The best way to know for yourself where Phi is present and where it is imagined is to explore with an open mind, learn and reach your own conclusions. You can learn more about the Golden Ratio here at and download PhiMatrix  golden ratio design software  at  to easily discover and apply Phi proportions for yourself. Enjoy the “phi”nomemon, whether to enhance your own understanding and appreciation of beauty and harmony in life or to apply it to your own artistic creations, like Leonardo Da Vinci and other masters before you.

Gary Meisner
Author of  
Developer of PhiMatrix software at