Wednesday 29 June 2011

Rule#13 Rule of imagination (RUIMA)

The Rule

            Consider this quote “Imagination is more important than knowledge”. Do you know who said this quote? It is quoted by Albert Einstein, the man considered as the most genius person ever lived. He is the man who comes up with the theory of relativity which states that time is not absolute and will change relative to the observer. For example, if a person is in a space ship and travelling near the speed of light, his clock will tick more slowly compared to the clock on earth. I will not go into detail on Einstein’s theory of relativity but I just want to make a point that to Einstein, imagination is even more important than knowledge.
            This is because knowledge are solutions/facts already discovered and unearthed whilst imagination is something that takes that knowledge and goes beyond that to come up with more new and original solutions and ideas. So you could have all the knowledge and know everything in the world that has been discovered so far but with imagination you can come up with something new not already known or yet discovered so far. For example, Einstein always imagine himself travelling at speed of light and see how the world will look like when he is travelling at the speed of light. From this imagination and his knowledge that speed of light is a constant, he deduced that it is time that changed when he is travelling at the speed of light.

            When we were a child, we are always imagining things. We imagined ourselves to be superman that saves the day. We imagined ourselves to be policeman, doctors, soldiers when we play with our friends. We imagine ourselves to be the strongest, fastest, richest people on earth. We imagine ourselves to be princes and princesses. As we grow older, reality seems to smack us in the face and we seem to lose the ability to imagine. What we have to do is like Einstein, why not we reverse back our clock and imagine what we could and could not have been when we were younger? Even better forward our clock and imagine what we could and could not have been in the future.
            If you are an assistant manager working in division A, why not imagine yourself as a manager working in division B? If you are a manager working in company A, why not imagine yourself as an Assistant General Manager working in company B? If you are a salaryman, why not imagine yourself to be a businessman? Why not imagine yourself to be a CEO of your own company? Imagination is limitless, you can even imagine yourself to be a bestselling author.
            In the documentary ‘The Law of Attraction’, the producer interviewed leading authors, philosophers, scientists, and rich people on ‘The Secret’ to their success. All of them attribute the secret of their success by imagining exactly what they want. For example, if they want a house, they will imagine exactly the type of house, the colour, the shape of the house that they want. According to them, their subconscious mind will find ways to get the things that they imagined and want, whether through working harder, or finding the perfect opportunity, or writing a bestseller etc. That is the power of the imagination.
            We are at the position we are right now because of the limitation that we set ourselves. Imagination has no limit, therefore through imagination, we are able to break through the limitation that we have set ourselves and we can rise higher.
What is this rule?

            This rule will allow us to break the ‘prison’ that we have set to ourselves. If we think that we are capable of only earning RM 5000 every month, then that amount will be the exact amount that we will earn. If we free our imagination and think that we are capable of earning RM 10,000 every month, then our brain through our subconscious mind will find ways to achieve our dream. There is no limit to our imagination but of course our conscious mind will prevent us from imagining the impossible. We will never achieve our dreams if we think our dream is impossible. So sit back, relax and imagine exactly what you want!

How to implement this rule?

            We need to see in advance through our imagination what we want to accomplish. To practice this rule, set up a goal, fantasy or desire about what we want to achieve in order to enhance our life. Sit back, relax, close our eyes and fantasize about the goal we just set up. Don’t put any limitation on it and don’t shroud it with any sort of doubt. Be one-hundred percent certain about achieving that goal. Keep in mind that there is no one who is going to interfere with the goal or fantasy we just created and there is no one who is going to prevent it from happening. We are the creator of our own world of fantasies. Only we, but no one else, have the power either to accomplish or deter its manifestation. The most successful imagination are done in a meditative state at the alpha-state of mind.

More about this rule

Many successful people, including Albert Einstein, Nikola Telsa, Napoleon Hill, and others, practiced the imagination method in their early lives before they became world-famous. Their biographies indicated that those men used to visualize their fantasies, even the technological discoveries, which later found fully realized. They all proved to themselves that "believing is seeing." Latin Proverb: Believe you have it and you have it. Belief is the motivating factor that enables us to reach our goal.  Their success-setting strategies of their earlier lives for manifesting their goals and dreams through the power of imagination on a consistent basis led them to where they were in the human history. They experienced in their minds and lived with their goals and dreams as if it was real before they actually accomplished in this material world.
The epitome of using imagination to create and invent was Nikola Tesla. At an early age Tesla trained his powers of imagination. In his autobiography “My Inventions”, he describes, “Every night (and sometimes during the day), when alone, I would start out on my journeys - see new places, cities and countries - live there, meet people and make friendships and acquaintances and, however unbelievable, it is a fact that they were just as dear to me as those in actual life and not a bit less intense in their manifestations.
“This I did constantly until I was about seventeen when my thoughts turned seriously to invention. Then I observed to my delight that I could visualize with the greatest facility. I needed no models, drawings or experiments. I could picture them all as real in my mind.”
Tesla was a prolific and unparalleled genius, giving us AC electricity, the electric car as well as many other devices, some which have not seen the light of day because they would revolutionize man’s approach to energy.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Rule#43 Rule of Problem and Opportunity (ROPOP)

The rule

As long as we are alive, we will always face problems in this world. It could be anything from a financial problem or health problem or relationship problem etc. Many people in this world dislike problems. Imagine a perfect world with no problems. A world with no problems means a world with no diseases, no accidents, no sickness, no shortage of money, no shortage of food where everything is perfect. If such world exists, then that means many professions will be redundant. There is no need for doctors because no one is sick. No need for policeman because no one commits any crime. Food is always plentiful and available without the need to grow and make it. Everyone will have money and nobody needs to work.
In the real world, we need to work to earn money and we will face many problems throughout our lifetime. A problem to us is really an opportunity in disguise. It is an opportunity for other people to earn their living by solving your problem. Doctors solve your health problem. Bankers solve your financial problem. People who work in oil & Gas Company solve transportation problem by providing petrol to the world. People who work in Telecommunication Company solve communication problem by providing telephone, mobile phone and internet connection to the world.

What is this rule

This rule asks you to look at problems from different perspective. Problems are uncomfortable and painful but at the same time problems are also opportunities. Problems are opportunities for other people to gain rewards when they solve your problems and problems are also opportunity for you to improve yourself and get rewards when you solve your problem.

How to implement this rule

Whenever you are faced with a problem, change your view that it is actually an opportunity for other people and yourself. It is an opportunity for other people who can solve your problem to make a living. For example, when you are sick, you will go to a clinic or hospital where the doctor and nurses will treat you with medicine and other treatment. You are indirectly giving the opportunity for other people to earn their living.
A problem such as a sickness is at the same time an opportunity for you. For example if your sickness is due to infection and when your sickness is healed, your body will have the opportunity to become stronger by having the necessary antibody to fight the infection. A sickness is also an opportunity for you to take a break. For example when you get a sickness that makes you unable to work, the doctor will give you Medical Certificate or MC. You can use your MC days to take a break from your work and to relax your body and mind at your place as part of the healing process. Finally, a sickness is also an opportunity for you to reflect yourself. You will reflect the reason you get the sickness, perhaps by not taking good care of yourself. By doing this you will have the opportunity to improve yourself by taking the preventive action to avoid the same sickness.
Sickness is just an example. In general all the problems that you faced are opportunities for both other people to assist you in solving your problem and earn their rewards (monetary, recognition, gratitude etc) and for yourself to reflect on the problem and take the necessary action to improve yourself.

The benefit of this rule

This rule stresses on positive thinking. If you see a problem as a problem, you will always see that problem in negative light and by doing this you will only attract the negative parts of that problem. You will feel miserable, helpless, angry, empty, sad etc. If on the other had you see problem as an opportunity, you will see that problem in positive light and you will attract all the positive attributes that come with a problem. You will feel energetic, dynamic, enthusiastic, challenged, creative, elevated, strong to work and solve your problem. A problem is just an opportunity for you and other people to earn rewards.

More about this rule

Please find more examples about the problems that you may face and the hidden opportunities that come with them:

  • A financial problem is an opportunity for banks or your friend to lend you money and for them to earn their reward (interest for bank, gratitude for friends). A financial problem is also an opportunity for you to look inside yourself and ask yourself what can you do to alleviate your financial problem? Can you get a part-time job? Can you ask your boss for a raise or a promotion? Can you change your job to new one with higher salary?

  • A relationship problem is an opportunity for counselor and friends to give advice in order to save the relationship and earn their rewards (income for counselor, gratitude for friends). It is also an opportunity for you to look inside yourself and ask yourself what can I do to be a better partner? Then you need to improve yourself. In the worst case scenario and the relationship problem end in a breakup, it is then an opportunity for you to find a new relationship and a better, loving and caring partner.

  • When you are faced with a difficult problem at work, it is an opportunity for you to show your skills and your capability to solve that problem. When you are successful, people will recognize your skills and experience. Your boss might even give you a promotion due to your success in solving a difficult problem.

A businessman is a problem solver. A businessman will solve other people’s problem by fulfilling the needs of others and earn their rewards in the process. For example, Bill Gates who is one of the richest men in the world solve other people’s problem who want to use a computer easily by providing Windows which is a user friendly Operating System for the majority of the computers in the world. Warren Buffet who used to be the richest man in the world solve other people’s problem who want to invest but don’t know how to do it. I believe you can be a businessman just by asking yourself what are other people’s problem that I can solve and create / sell products that will solve that problems. You are actually asking what the other people’s needs are and what can you create / sell to fulfill that needs?
So the next time when you are faced with a problem, tell yourself ‘what problem? There is no problem, just an opportunity’.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Rule#14 Rule of focus (RUCUS)

The Rule

Focus to improve on your strengths and let other people complement your weaknesses.
What is this rule?

As human beings, we all have strengths and weaknesses. Nobody is perfect in this world. The only perfect being is God. Despite our imperfection as humans, we have managed many feats which are pale in comparison to other species. We managed to build tall buildings reaching high towards the sky. We managed to build a vehicle (aircraft) travelling at 900 km/h.  We managed to build devices (mobile phone) that can communicate in real time between people on different parts of the world. These are just a few example of our achievement to-date. As an individual, we do whatever we can in this world based on our capabilities and strengths. What we are not able to do, we can leave that to other people with the capabilities and strengths to do it.
Do you remember the time when you took your exams either in high school or in college/university? The least you have to do to get a certificate is to pass your exams, but that is not good enough for your future undertakings. For example, if you want to get a job, you need to get at least a second class upper to increase your chances. It is even better if you can get a first class degree but it is very hard to get a perfect score. You might have to score around 70% to get a second class degree and around 80% to get a first class degree but it would be some sort of a miracle to be able to score 100% or even close to that. Even scoring 70% and getting a second class upper degree is enough to get you a job. This shows that you don’t have to be perfect in order to be able to do your job. You just have to know enough of the basic and the rest will be filled in by learning and experience when doing your job.

How to implement this rule?

In order to implement this rule, you need to know yourself. You need to discover for yourself what are the things that you do well and the things that you don’t do so well. You need a session of self discovery and in order to do this, you just need to try as many activities as possible and discover it for yourself. It is also good to get an honest feedback from other people about your strengths and weaknesses.
Your strengths mean all the things that you are very good at doing. For example, you might be a good ping pong player, or a good speaker, or a good writer etc. Your weaknesses are those things that you cannot do very well. For example, you might be bad at Malay, or bad at IT, or bad at computer, etc. Let us do an exercise. List down 10 skills which you think are your strengths and list down 10 skills which you think are your weaknesses. Then, give a rating from 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst point and 10 being the perfect point. For example, your skill might look something like this:

My 10 strengths 
1.      Writing – 6
2.      Reading – 7
3.      Mathematics – 8
4.      Ping Pong – 7
5.      Islam – 10
6.      Memorizing the Quran – 9.8
7.      English – 8
8.      Japanese – 6
9.      Investing – 6
10.   Arabic - 8

My 10 weaknesses
1.      Badminton – 3
2.      Malay-3
3.      Chinese-3
4.      Information Technology –3
5.      Multi Level Marketing -3
6.      Programming -3
7.      Networking – 3
8.      Communicating– 3
9.      Shopping – 3
10.  Bowling -3

The idea or this rule is to keep working on improving your strengths so that you become better at it. For example in the list above, if you work on your writing skill you can bring that skill to a 7 or 8. If you work harder on writing, you can even bring it to a 9 or 10. If you manage to do that, people will appreciate your writing skill because there are not many people in this world who has an excellent writing skill of 10 point.
On the other hand, if you work on your weaknesses, for example Chinese language. You might be able to bring it from level 3 to level 5. Even at level 5, people will not really appreciate your skill because there are many others in this world who is better in Chinese language than level 5.
This rule stress on your strength but it is by no means to neglect your weaknesses. If your job requires you to be good in your weaknesses, by all means work on it up to an acceptable level. A level 5 is an average level and if level 5 is good enough for you to do your job, then work on your weaknesses up to that level. It is however your strengths that you have to work harder and give it a boost possibly to level 9 and 10.
The second part of this rule is to let other people complement your weaknesses. You don’t have to be perfect in this world, but if you can find friends who can complement you, then you are indeed closest to being perfect in this world. How about you find a friend who is good at Chinese to accompany you with your visit to China? How about asking that guy who know this Dato’ to introduce you for a business venture? In my case, I will look for a wife who is good at Malay, Chinese, shopping and bowling in order to complement me in my life.

More about this rule

The sun is located around 149 million km from the earth. Despite this distance, we can still feel the heat of the sun throughout the day especially during the peak at noon time. Do you know that earth has an axial tilt of about 23.5º? This slight tilt caused the sun to have concentration of more sunlight in the southern hemisphere during December thus resulting in summer in the southern hemisphere and winter in the northern hemisphere during December. The reverse occurs in June with more concentration of sunlight in Northern hemisphere resulting in summer and less concentration of sunlight in Southern hemisphere resulting in winter. The sun intensity during winter is around 0.9 kW/m2 for about 10 daylight hours and during summer the intensity is about 1.2 kW/m2 for about 14 daylight hours. Consider the fact that the difference in sun intensity between summer and winter is about 25%. This 25% difference in intensity make a difference between a hot temperature of summer and cold temperature of winter. My point is you can improve any skill that you want by focusing more on it, just like the sun able to create summer by focusing more sunlight on it and able to create winter by focusing less sunlight on it.
Consider also the magnifying glass. A small magnifying glass has such tremendous power that it is able to create a spark and fire when used directly under the sunlight. This happens because the magnifying glass is able to focus all the sunlight through the glass into a small point. The temperature at this point will be so high that it is able to create fire. If you are able to focus your mind like the magnifying glass, you will be able to create that spark and hence improve on any skill that you want.

Imam Mahdi (Descendent of Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

Who Is Imam Mahdi?

Note: Please do not confuse Imam Mahdi with Hadhrat Isa (Jesus) Alayhis Salaam. They are two different persons, and both will come during the last days. According to Hadeeth, Imam Mahdi will appear first, and Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will appear during Imam Mahdi's lifetime. Furthermore, only Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will be able to kill Dajjal (the "anti-Christ").
The term "MAHDI" is a title meaning "The Guided one".

 Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "This world will not come to an end until one person from my progeny does not rule over the Arabs, and his name will be the same as my name." (Tirmidhi)

 Hadhrat Ali (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will surely send a man from my family who will fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as it initally was filled with oppression." (Abu Dawood)

 His Features
 Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) relates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "Al Mahdi will be from my progeny. His forehead will be broad and his nose will be high. He will fill the world with justice and fairness at a time when the world will be filled with oppression. He will rule for seven years."
 Other ahadeeth inform us that:
    * He will be tall * He will be fair complexioned * His facial features will be similar to those of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) * His character will be exactly like that of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) * His father's name will be Abdullah * His mother's name will be Aamina * He will speak with a slight stutter and occasionally this stutter will frustrate him causing him to hit his hand upon his thigh. * His age at the time of his emergence will be forty years * He will receive Knowledge from Allah.
His Emergence and Rule
 Hadhrat Umme Salmah (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, " After the death of a Ruler there will be some dispute between the people. At that time a citizen of Madina will flee (from Madinah) and go to Makkah. While in Makkah, certain people will approach him between Hajrul Aswad and Maqaame Ibraheem, and forcefully pledge their allegiance to him. 

 Thereafter a huge army will proceed from Syria to attack him but when they will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and Madina, they will be swallowed into the ground.

On seeing this, the Abdaals of Shaam as well as large numbers of people from Iraq will come to him and pledge their allegiance to him. Then a person from the Quraish, whose uncle will be from the Bani Kalb tribe will send an army to attack him, only to be overpowered, by the will of Allah. This (defeated) army will be that of the Bani Kalb. Unfortunate indeed is he who does not receive a share from the booty of the Kalb. This person (Imam Mahdi) will distribute the spoils of war after the battle. He will lead the people according to the Sunnat and during his reign Islam will spread throughout the world. He will remain till seven years (since his emergence). He will pass away and the Muslims will perform his Janazah salaat." (Abu Dawood) 

 According to a Hadeeth, Sayyidena Eesa (A.S.) will lead the Janaazah of Imam Mahdi (A.S.).
 While the people will be pledging their allegiance to Imaam Mahdi, a voice from the unseen will call out:
    "This is the representative of Allah, The Mahdi, listen to him and obey him"
This announcement which will be heard by all those present will establish his authenticity. Another sign which will indicate the authenticity of Imaam Mahdi wil be that in the Ramadhaan prior to his emergence an eclipse of the sun and moon will occur. 

 Hadhrat Abu Umamah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "There will be four peace agreements between you and the Romans. The fourth agreement will be mediated through a person who will be from the progeny of Hadhrat Haroon (A.S.) and will be upheld for seven years."

The people asked: "O Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), who will be the Imaam of the people at the time?" 

 Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "He will be from my progeny and will be forty years of age. His face will shine like a star and he will have a black spot on his left cheek. He will don two "Qutwaani" cloaks and will appear exactly as a person from the Bani Israeel..." (Tabrani) 

 According to hadith narrated by Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "...(regarding the rule of Imaam Mahdi) the skies will rain down in abundance and the earth will yield forth its crop in abundance, and those alive will desire that those who have already passed away should have been alive to enjoy this prosperity..." 

 Hadhrat Buraidah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "There will be many armies after me. You must join that army which will come from Khurasaan." (Ibn Adi) 

 Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "(Armies carrying) black flags will come from Khurasaan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Eela (Baitul Maqdas) where they will erect their flags."
 from: "Signs of Qiyamah"

by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali

 More Hadeeth (with references) (contributed by Bradley Bilal).
1) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: "Even if the entire duration of the world's existence has already been exhausted and only one day is left (before the day of judgment), Allah will expand that day to such a length of time, as to accommodate the kingdom of a person from my Ahlul-Bayt who will be called by my name. He will fill out the earth with peace and justice as it will have been full of injustice and tyranny (by then)."
    Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v2, p86, v9, pp 74-75 Sunan Abu Dawud, v2, p7 Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v1, pp 84,376; V3, p63
2) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: "al-Mahdi is one of us, the members of the household (Ahlul-Bayt)."
Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4085

3) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatimah (the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH)).
    Sunan Abu Dawud, English version, Ch. 36, Tradition #4271 (narrated by Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet) Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4086
4) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: "We (I and my family) are members of a household that Allah (SWT) has chosen for them the life of the Hereafter over the life of this world; and the members of my household (Ahlul-Bayt) shall suffer a great affliction and they shall be forcefully expelled from their homes after my death; then there will come people from the East carrying black flags, and they will ask for some good to be given to them, but they shall be refused service; as such, they will wage war and emerge victorious, and will be offered that which they desired in the first place, but they will refuse to accept it till they pass it to a man from my family (Ahlul-Bayt) appears to fill the Earth with justice as it has been filled with corruption. So whoever reaches that (time) ought to come to them even if crawling on the ice/snow since among them is the Vice-regent of Allah (Khalifatullah) al-Mahdi."
    Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4082, The History Tabari al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch. 11, section 1, pp 250-251
5) Abu Nadra reported: We were with the company of Jabir Ibn Abdillah... Jabir Ibn Abdillah kept quite for a while and then reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said: "There would be a Caliph in the last (period) of my Ummah who would freely give handfuls of wealth to the people without counting it." I said to Abu Nadra and Abu al-Ala: Do you mean Umar Ibn Abd al-Aziz? They said: NO, (he would be Imam Mahdi).
    Sahih Muslim, English version, v4, chapter MCCV, p1508, Tradition #6961 Sahih Muslim, Arabic version, Kitab al-Fitan, v4, p2234, Tradition #67
6) "al-Mahdi is from our Ahlul-Bayt, no doubt Allah will enforce his appearance within a night (i.e., his coming is very unpredictable and is very sudden)."
References: Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, p269
Compiled from various sources by, 

Al-Fatihah & Prime Numbers

A prime number is a natural number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …) that is divisible only by itself and one. The first few primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, ... All other natural numbers (except 1) are not primes but composite numbers and are simply produced by multiplying prime numbers together (e.g. 4=2*2, 6=2*3, 8=2*2*2, 9=3*3, ...). Prime numbers are therefore considered as the multiplicative building blocks for all natural numbers including themselves.

Until 1899 number 1 was considered prime but was dropped from the list of primes to simplify the fundamental theorem of arithmetic and therefore considered neither prime nor composite but the unit of numbers or the additive building block for all natural numbers (e.g. 1=1, 2=1+1, 3=1+1+1, 4=1+1+1+1, …). The arguments for whether 1 is prime or not are still raging. [].

Around 300BC Euclid, Father of Geometry, [] proved that there is an infinite number of prime numbers and 70 years later, around 230BC Eratosthenes [] developed a sieve method for finding prime numbers below any number N by sequentially removing all numbers that are multiple of prime numbers below the square root of N.

In 1793 Carl Gauss, the Prince of Mathematics, who once said "Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics." claimed that the ratio of prime numbers within natural numbers decreases natural-logarithmically as numbers go higher and higher [1/ln(N)] but never diminishes, (e.g. 25% in 100, 16.8% in 1000, 7.9% in million, 5.1% in billion, 3.8% in trillion, 3% in quadrillion, …) which turned out to be almost true but not quite true [].

Although the ratio of primes follows some predictable pattern, the distribution of prime numbers among natural numbers has no known pattern but yet seems not random. In 1859 Bernard Riemann [] proposed his Riemann Hypothesis to correct the error terms in Gauss’ equation but never include a proof of it and thus the hypothesis remains one of the greatest open questions in mathematics with a $1,000,000 prize to whoever proves or disproves it. [].

In 1972 Hugh Montgomery and Freeman Dyson [] uncovered a new amazing relationship between the distribution of non-trivial zeros of the zeta function in the Riemann Hypothesis and the distribution of energy states of the electrons in heavy atoms like Uranium.

The Key:

The Holy Quran starts with a chapter appropriately called The Key (الفاتحة) shown below using the standard recitation method of Hefs and the Uthmanic method of writing.
1. In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Gracious.
    بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
2. Extol be to Allah, Sustainer of the worlds.
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ
3. The Merciful, the Gracious.
    ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
4. Master of the Day of Judgment,
مَٰلِكِ يَوْمِ ٱلدِّينِ
5. You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help.
    إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ
6. Guide us to the Right Path:
    ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ
7. The path of those whom You bestowed your bounties upon; not of those who have brought upon themselves Your wrath, nor of those who went astray.
وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّين صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ ٱلْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمَْ

This chapter consists of 7 verses, 29 words and 139 letters. Not only are these prime numbers but their digit sums (7 = 7, 2+9 = 11 and 1+3+9 = 13) are primes too, and the sum of these digit sums (7+11+13 = 31) is yet another prime. Simply amazing! What’s more, joining these prime numbers left-to-right 729139 and right-to-left 139297 also produces primes. And to cap it all, 729139297 is also prime!!!

All praise and thanks are due to our Glorious Lord for showing us one Way to be nearer to Him and to the Truth in sha Allah.

This is a clear evidence that Bism Allah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem is verse #1 not just a preface to the chapter and is therefore is mandatory and must be recited at all times, not just at the beginning of prayers.

This also shows that the most common recitation method of Hafs (حفص) through Aasim (عاصم) through Imam Ali bin abi Talib (علي بن أبي طالب) is the correct version and other versions only add noise and distortion to the Word of Allah (swt) and must therefore be eliminated, and Allah knows best.

What this new finding uncovers is a new encoding system based on prime numbers that protects The Message to be used to decode whatever Allah allows us of the Holy Quran and Allah guides those who seek His help. 

The number of letters in each Key verse are 19, 17, 12, 11, 19, 18, and 43.
While 19, 17, 11, 19 and 43 are primes, 12 and 18 are not. However, both can combine with their left or right neighbours to produce new primes as follows:
17+12 = 29      12+11 = 2319+18 = 37      18+43 = 61

It was therefore suggested that paired verses are meant to complete each other’s meaning as verses 2 & 3 and 6 & 7 do.

Arranging the number of letters in each Key verse right-to-left gives a number that only divides by 19 as follows:
          43181911121719    =       19 * 2272732164301
Quran 74:30
Over it nineteen or “عليها تسعة عشر

The new prime number 2272732164301 has 13 digits with a digit sum of 2+2+7+2+7+3+2+1+6+4+3+0+1 = 40 which refers perhaps to Wisdom Age.

The number 2272732164301 itself is huge and seems very mysterious. When we divide the number with the number of earth days in 1 year, we get this result: 2272732164301 / 365.25 = 6,222,401,545 or ~6.2 billion years. Now consider this verse:

Surely, your Lord is Allâh Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then rose over (Istawâ) the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty), disposing the affair of all things. No intercessor (can plead with Him) except after His Leave. That is Allâh, your Lord; so worship Him (Alone). Then, will you not remember? (Yunus 10:3)

The number 6.2 billion years is very close with the six Days mention in the ayat. But the 6 days cover both heavens and the earth so which one comes first? Is it heaven or earth? The answer is simple. Our feet is fixed on the earth and we are breathing air (heaven). So earth must come first and then only air (heaven). If air (heaven) comes first, there is no gravity to trap the air (heaven) close to the earth.

So what is the age of the earth and what is the age of the heavens? In order to answer that question, let us look at this verse:

Allâh it is He Who has created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them in six Days. Then He rose over (Istawâ) the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). You (mankind) have none, besides Him, as a Walî (protector or helper) or an intercessor. Will you not then remember (or receive admonition)? (As-Sajdah 32:4)

As-Sajdah means to prostrate. You can only prostrate if the earth exists. Then ayat 4 must refer to the number of Days God created earth. However, the number must be consistent with our scientific knowledge of 4.54 billion years. If we divide 32/4 = 8. So just add 0.8 to the number 4, we will get the age of the earth to be 4.8 billion years old. This means the age of the heavens (7 atmosphere) to be 6.2-4.8 = 1.4 billion years old.

Please refer the link below on the scientific estimations of 4.54 billion years for the earth age [] and Allah is always correct and knows all.

Original source:

The sky and the earth was created by Allah in 6 period can be found in the following verses:  (Al A’raaf 7:54), (Yunus 10:3),  (Hud 11:7), (Al Furqan 25:59), (As Sajdah 32:4) and (Al Hadid 57:4).

On Finality of Prophethood

Dear readers,

This is the first in a series of articles dealing with the question of the finality of prophethood. In this article, I give evidence based on verses of the Holy Quran, the divine book of Muslims. Many non-Ahmadi Muslims strongly believe that no prophet can come to the world now, since the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has appeared. Ahmadi Muslims believe, based on several points of evidence, that prophets can still appear after Hadhrat Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, among his followers, the restriction of no more prophets being for one who abrogates the existing Islamic Shariah or code of law, and brings a new one.
The verse non-Ahmadi Muslims most often present, is the following:



This verse was revealed to Hadhrat Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, when his adversaries jeered at him for his being issueless, when God comforted him with this verse among others, indicating his greatness and superiority. The word "walaakin" ("but") in the verse indicates that his being issueless is of little or no significance when one looks at his great qualities mentioned in the next part of the verse.

Nowhere in the verse is there mention of his being the "last" prophet. If "seal" is taken to mean "last" in the context, it does not make any logical sense, as that would have further aggravated the mockery -- what good is there in coming last of all anyway? It does not signify greatness. The "seal" should be taken to mean the seal of authority, under attestation of which one can attain prophethood and in no other way.

This seems to make more sense as shown by subsequent verses in the article:
In the very first chapter of the Holy Quran (Al Fatehah), God says:


The chapter containing the above verse is supposed to be recited by every Muslim 30 or so, times in 24 hours, in which they ask for these blessings. As to who the recipients of these blessings are is defined in another verse of the Holy Quran:



So it is clear that by obeying Allah and Hadhrat Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, one can be included in the above categories, prophethood being the highest, of course. An objection is made to the (4:70) verse's translation that I presented above, that the word "Ma'a" in the verse does not mean "among", but "with", so one who fulfils obedience to Allah and this messenger would not himself/herself attain these ranks, but will simply be "with" those who have done so in the past.

True; it does mean "with" in the literal sense, but this is very weak reasoning. We do not always have to take the literal meaning of words, for else, we would have to accept, for one pertinent instance, that Hadhrat Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was just a "seal" and not a human being -- quite gross! Taking a look at another verse of the Holy Quran, we pray to God:

If we take literal meaning of "with" in this verse, it should follow from the verse, based on non-Ahmadi insistence in favor of literal vs. figurative meaning, that:

It is like praying to God: O God, please, please, whenever some righteous person is about to die, cause us to somehow stop breathing, put some embolus into our coronary arteries, or do something to somehow cause us to die EXACTLY AT THE SAME TIME when some righteous person in our neighborhood is about to die, for we want to "die with the righteous".

I am sure even non-Ahmadi Muslims do not have this in mind when they say this prayer. What good would it do to a person to "die with" a righteous person. Several thieves, murderers, rapists, drug smugglers, "Jeffrey Dahmers", etc., may die synchronously with righteous people, but this does not make them good or do any good to them. The fact is, we pray to God to "MAKE US RIGHTEOUS" on the same pattern as other righteous people before us.

Another verse of the Holy Quran clearly points to the fact that Hadhrat Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was not the last of Prophets and that the door to prophethood is still open:



This week, I spoke on the phone with an Ahmadi author, Mr. Muhammad Isa Jaan, who is from Iraq. He told me that he joined the Ahmadiyya Movement by reading this verse. The verse was revealed to Hadhrat Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and it makes no sense to give an instruction in the verse regarding how to behave when a prophet appears, if Hadhrat Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, were the last.

Again, in the Holy Quran is a verse that points not only to the door of prophethood being open, but to Hadhrat Muhammad's , peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, return to the world (in a figurative sense):



This verse relates to the advent of the Messiah and Mehdi from amongst Hadhrat Muhammad's, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, followers. The mention of his advent "among others from among them who have not yet joined them" refers to a community which had not yet come into existence then, but was sure to appear in the future, to "join" the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. It is important to note that the companions of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, who were listening to the verse were intrigued and one of them even asked him as to who those lucky ones of the future would be. The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, placed his hand on a companion's shoulder who was sitting by his side, Hadhrat Salman of Persia (may God be pleased with him) and stated:



Is it a mere coincidence, then, that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, peace be upon him, was of Persian descent? He claimed to be the fulfillment of this prophecy.

Now let me give you another verse of the Holy Quran, portending the philosophy of these "last prophet" people in history. Declaring Hadhrat Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the last of prophets in time is not a new phenomenon in human behavior. God says in the Holy Quran:


And Joseph did come to you before with clear proofs, but you ceased not to be in doubt concerning that with which he came to you till, when he died, you said: 'Allah will never raise up a Messenger after him.' Thus does Allah adjudge as lost those who transgress, (and) are doubters. (Al Quran: 40:35)

These people are described by God in the verse that follows the one above, like this:
"Those who dispute concerning the Signs of Allah without any authority having come to them. Grievously hateful is this in the sight of Allah and in the sight of those who believe. Thus does Allah seal up the heart of everyone (who is) arrogant, haughty".

Now, these are not my words or the words of the Ahmadi Muslims, but the words of God from the Quran that Muslims believe.

It is interesting that in spite of no strong (or even weak) evidence from the Holy Quran in support of the present non-Ahmadi Muslim view that Hadhrat Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was the last of Prophets, they still stick to it, and go to the extent of declaring it of pivotal importance to belief -- that one who does not accept him as the last prophet is a non-Muslim.

Rule#12 Rule of Good Deeds and Bad Deeds (ROGAB)

The Rule

            If you want to do good deeds, then you will be faced with many difficulties. If you want to do bad deeds, then you will find it easy to perform. The reason? Difficult things are more valuable than easy things.

What is this rule?

            This rule stresses that good deeds will always beget good result while bad deeds will beget bad results as well. The more difficult to perform a good deed, the more reward in the hereafter if you perform that good deed. A bad deed will always be easy to perform, but as a result, you will get the wrath of God in the hereafter.

How to implement this rule?

            Please note that even though good deeds are more difficult to perform than bad deeds, but the reward of performing good deeds is heaven which is more valuable than anything else in this world. However, on the other hand, if you perform bad deeds, you will be punished even in this world by the feeling of guilt, and by the authority if you get caught and by God since you will be far away from God's blessing. If you escape the punishment in this world, the punishment in the hereafter is even greater, being thrown into the fire of hell.

The benefit of this rule

             Perform good deeds as much as possible and don’t ever perform any bad deeds at all. The world will be a much better place to live in. Repent if you have performed any bad deed.

More about this rule

            Have you ever wondered why diamonds and gold are so valuable? It is because they are rare, so hard to find (inside the earth) and so hard to acquire (ask the gold and diamond miners!). You see, the harder something is, the more valuable it is.

Friday 24 June 2011

Miracle of the Opening verse

An aspect of the Quran's mathematical design is the use of the gematrical values of the Arabic letters. The gematrical value of a letter is the numerical value assigned to it. When the Quran was revealed, fourteen centuries ago, numbers as we know them today did not exist. Instead, there was a universally accepted numerical system where the letters of the Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek alphabets were used as numerals. The number assigned to each letter is considered to be its gematrical value. Next table gives the gematrical values of each letter in the Arabic alphabet, which is listed in its original order. The order of the letters in the modern day Arabic alphabet is slightly different. Also in the same table, the English equivalent letters are given in parantheses. The choice of the English letters used are based simply on the sounds of the Arabic letters. The bold fonts indicate stronger voiced letters.

Gematrical values of the Arabic alphabet:Gematrical values of the Arabic alphabet:Gematrical values of the Arabic alphabet:
Gematrical values of the Arabic alphabet


Mathematical composition of a scripture may not be exclusive to the Quran. In a book entitled Studies in Jewish Mysticism (Dan, J. and Talmage, F., eds, 1982), there are indications that Rabbi Judah, the Pious, of the 12th century AD, recognized a 19-based numerical structure in the morning prayer. The following quote is taken from page 88 and 89 of this book:

The people [Jews] in France made it a custom to add [in the morning prayer] the words: " 'Ashrei termimei derekh [blessed are those who walk on the righteous way],ª and our Rabbi, the Pious, of blessed memory, wrote that they were completely and utterly wrong. It is all gross falsehood, because there are nineteen times that the Holy Name is mentioned [in that portion of the morning prayer] ... and similarly you find the word 'Elohim nineteen times in the pericope of Ve-'elleh shemot... Similarly, you find that Israil is called "sons" nineteen times, and there are many examples. All these sets of nineteen are intricately intertwined, and they contain many secrets and esoteric meanings ...

WHY 19?

The mathematical coding of the scriptures with the number 19 makes one wander the divine reason for using the number 19 instead of some other number. Besides having unique mathematical properties, such as being a prime number, the number 19 is the gematrical value of the word "ONE" in all scriptural languages Aramaic, Hebrew, and Arabic. For example, in Arabic, the word for "ONE" is "WAHD" (pronounced Waahed). Based on the table, the gematrical values of the letters W, A, H, and D are 6, 1, 8, and 4, respectively. These numbers add up to 19 (6+1+8+4=19).

Therefore, the number 19 can be looked at to signify the First Commandment in all scriptures that there is only ONE God.

The discovery of the mathematical structures within the scriptures and the divinely instituted liturgies have resulted in a number of important conclusions. Some of these conclusions are stated in Studies in Jewish Mysticism (Ibid., p.92):

(1) No change can be tolerated in the text of the prayers, not even a minute one, because every change-even of one letter-would destroy the numerical harmony inherent in the text...
(2) The liturgy received new importance and new meaning within the framework of religious practice. A completely new dimension was added in this way to the daily prayer service; it stopped being just a reciting of requests and praises of God in ancient formulas, and became a vehicle for becoming a participant in a mystical, divine harmony. The prayers suddenly received a new depth of meaning and importance, which was undreamed of in the thousand years that had passed since they were formulated.

The mathematically composed text in a scripture serves both as an authenticating tool and as a guard to protect and preserve the scripture. Obviously, finding original unaltered scripture such as the Quran is extremely important. This fact can indeed be realized and proven by the remarkable mathematical design of the Quran.

In the following chapters of this book, the reader is presented with the physical facts, not opinions. Every attempt has been made to insure the accuracy of these physical facts. However, it is up to the reader to verify them whenever possible, as well as reflect on them. In fact, this strong advice is given in the Quran itself: "You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them." (17:36).


The first verse of the Quran is "In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful." In Arabic, it is pronounced as Bism Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem, and is commonly known as the Basmalah.
The Basmalah is so special and unique that it constitutes the foundation upon which the Quran's 19-based mathematical composition is built. It is the opening statement of the Quran, and is composed of exactly 19 Arabic letters. These letters are given below in Table 1 with the approximate English equivalents and their corresponding gematrical values.

Table 1. The 19 Arabic letters of the Basmalah and their
corresponding gematrical values.
Letter No. Arabic English Gematrical Value
1 Baa' B 2
2 SiinS 60
3 Miim M 40
4 'Alif A 1
5 Laam L30
6 Laam L 30
7 Haa' H5
8 'Alif A1
9 Laam L 30
10 Raa' R200
11 H!aa' H8
12 Miim M 40
13 NuunN50
14 'AlifA 1
15 Laam L 30
16 Raa' R 200
17 H!aa' H 8
18 Yaa' Y 10
19 Miim M 40


The four words and the 19 letters of the Basmalah are put together according to a mathematical system which is humanly impossible to compose. This remarkable system is based on the number and the gematrical values of the letters that constitute the four words of the Basmalah. Let us first summarize the information we need to know about the Basmalah in Table 2 before we review this incredible mathematical system.

Table 2. The four words of the Basmalah, the English translation,
the numberof Arabic letters in each word, and their gematrical values.
No. Arabic English #LettersGematrical Value Total
1 Bism In the name 3 2, 60, 40 102
2 Allah God 4 1, 30, 30, 5 66
3 Al-Rahman Most Gracious 61,30,200,8,40,50 329
4 Al-Raheem Most Merciful 6 1,30,200,8,10,40289
TOTAL 19786

Using the data in Tables 1 and 2, we get the following 19-based mathematical facts:

FACT 1. The Basmalah consists of 19 Arabic letters.

FACT 2. The sequence number of each word in the Basmalah followed by the number of letters in it forms an 8-digit number which is a multiple of 19:
 1 3 2 4 3 6 4 6 = 19 x 19 x 36686

FACT 3. Replace the number of letters in each word in Fact 2 by the total gematrical value of that word. Thus, the sequence number of each word is followed by its total gematrical value, to form a 15-digit number which is a multiple of 19:
1 102 2 66 3 329 4 289 = 19 x 5801401752331

FACT 4. Replace the total gematrical value of each word in Fact 3 by the gematrical value of every letter in that word. For instance, the total gematrical value of the first word, 102, is replaced by 2 60 40. Similarly, the total gematrical value of the second word, 66, is replaced by 1 30 30 5, and so on. The result is a 37-digit number which is a multiple of 19:
1 2 60 40 2 1 30 30 5 3 1 30 200 8 40 50 4 1 30 200 8 10 40 = 19 x 66336954226595422109686863843162160

FACT 5. Insert the sequence number of each letter in the word before its gematrical value in Fact 4. For example, the gematrical values of the letters in first word are 2 60 40. When we insert the sequence numbers of the letters, we get 1 2 2 60 3 40, where the sequence numbers are in italics, the gematrical values are in bold. Similarly, the gematrical values of the letters in the second word are 1 30 30 5. When we insert the sequence numbers of the letters, we get 1 1 2 30 3 30 4 5, and so on. When all the numbers are put together, the result is a 56-digit number which is a multiple of 19:
1 1 2 2 60 3 40 2 1 1 2 30 3 30 4 5 3 1 1 2 30 3 200 4 8 5 40 6 50 4 1 1 2 30 3 200 4 8 5 10 6 40 = 19 x 590843895848580686595 . . .

FACT 6. Replace the total gematrical value of each word in Fact 3 by the sum of the gematrical values of the first and the last letter in that word. For instance, the total gematrical value of the first word, 102, is replaced by 42. The number 42 is the sum of 2 and 40, which are the gematrical values of the first and the last letter in the first word. Similarly, the total gematrical value of the second word, 66, is replaced by 6, the sum of 1 and 5. Repeating this process for the four words of the Basmalah,we get an 11-digit number which is a multiple of 19:
1 42 2 6 3 51 4 41 = 19 x 748755339 (2+40) (1+5) (1+50) (1+40)

FACT 7. Consider the numbers used in Fact 2 and Fact 3. In Fact 2, the sequence number of each word is followed by the number of letters (3, 4, 6, and 6) in the word. In Fact 3, we replace the number letters by the gematrical values of the words (102, 66, 329, and 289). Now, for this case, the sequence number of each word will be followed by the sum of the number of letters and the gematrical value of the word. Therefore, the number we use for the first word will be 105 (3+102). It will be70 (4+66) for the second word, 335 (6+329) for the third word, and 295 (6+289) for the fourth word. Thus the sequence number of each word in the Basmalah is followed by the numbers 105, 70, 335, and 295 respectively to form a 15-digit number which is also a multiple of 19:
1 105 2 70 3 335 4 295 = 19 x 5817212281805 (3+102) (4+66) (6+329) (6+289)

FACT 8. Consider Fact 2, where the sequence number of each word in the Basmalah is followed by the number of letters in the word. In this case, the sequence number of each word will be followed by the total number of letters up to and including that word (cumulative total). For example, the number of letters in the Basmalah's four words are 3, 4, 6 and 6, respectively. Then the cumulative total number of letters will be 3 for the first word. It will be 7 (3+4) for the second word, 13 (3+4+6) for the third word, and finally 19 (3+4+6+6) for the last word. Therefore, we write down the sequence numbers of the words followed by the cumulative total number of letters corresponding to the word. The result is a 10-digit number which is also a multiple of 19:
1 3 2 7 3 13 4 19 = 19 x 69858601
(3+4)    (3+4+6) (3+4+6+6)

FACT 9. This fact is very similar to Fact 8. In this fact, instead of using the cumulative total number of letters for each word, we use the cumulative total of the gematrical values of the letters corresponding to the word. For example, the gematrical value of the letters in the Basmalah's four words are 102, 66, 329 and 289, respectively. Then the cumulative total of the gematrical values of the letters will be 102 for the first word. It will be 168 (102+66) for the second word, 497 (102+66+329) for the third word, and finally 786 (102+66+329+289) for the last word.
Therefore, we write down the sequence numbers of the words followed by the cumulative total of the gematrical values of the letters corresponding to the word. The resultant 16-digit number is a multiple of 19:
1 102 2 168 3 497 4 786 = 19 x 58011412367094
(102+66) (102+66+329) (102+66+329+289)

FACT 10. The gematrical value of each letter is followed by its sequence number (1 through 19) in the Basmalah to form a 62-digit number that is a multiple of 19. The sequence numbers are printed in bold:
2 1 60 2 40 3 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 = 19 x 113696858647647 . . .
In this fact, each one of the four words of the Basmalah is underlined to show the numbers representing these words. This information will be helpful to understand the next fact.

FACT 11. Insert the sequence number of each word (1, 2, 3, and 4) at the end of the underlined numbers in Fact 10 while keeping all the numbers the same. The result is a 66-digit number that is a multiple of 19. The sequence numbers of the words are printed in italics:
2 1 60 2 40 3 1 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 2 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 3 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 4 = 19 x 1136968584963 . . .

FACT 12. Consider the numbers in Fact 11, and replace the sequence numbers of the words (1, 2, 3, and 4) with their gematrical values (102, 66, 329, and 289), while keeping all the other numbers the same. The result is a 73-digit number, also a multiple of 19:
2 1 60 2 40 3 102 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 66 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 329 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 289 = 19 x 113696858432 . . .

FACT 13. This time let us change the position of the gematrical values of the words (102, 66, 329, and 289) in Fact 12, and put them preceeding the words, instead of following them. The resultant number, still 73 digits, is also a multiple of 19:
102 2 1 60 2 40 3 66 1 4 30 5 30 6 5 7 329 1 8 30 9 200 10 8 11 40 12 50 13 289 1 14 30 15 200 16 8 17 10 18 40 19 = 19 x 5379790738 . . .

FACT 14. For each word of the Basmalah, write down the following: a) Number of letters in the word, b) The total gematrical value of the word, c) The gematrical value of each letter in the word. For example, consider the first word of the Basmalah. It has three letters. The total gematrical value of these letters is 102. The individual gematrical values of each letter are 2, 60, and 40 respectively. Therefore, we write 3 102 2 60 40 for the first word, and so on. The entire number is 48 digits long, and is a multiple of 19. It is given below with the numbers for each word underlined.
3 102 2 60 40 4 66 1 30 30 5 6 329 1 30 200 8 40 50 6 289 1 30 200 8 10 40 = 19 x 16327686340 . . .

FACT 15. In Fact 14, the total gematrical values of the words are printed in bold. Now, we draw your attention to these bold numbers as we place them as the last item in each underlined word. The resultant number, still 48 digits long, is also a multiple of 19:
3 2 60 40 102 4 1 30 30 5 66 6 1 30 200 8 40 50 329 6 1 30 200 8 10 40 289 = 19 x 17160005390 . . .

FACT 16. Let us represent each one of the four words of the Basmalah by the sequence number of the letters in it. For example, the first word is represented by 123, since it has the first three letters of the Basmalah. The second word is represented by 4567 since it contains the letters 4, 5, 6, and 7. Similarly, the third word is represented by 8910111213, and the fourth word by 141516171819, since they contain the letters 8-13 and 14-19 respectively. If we add these four numbers representing the words of the Basmalah, the result is a 12-digit number which is a multiple of 19:
123 + 4567 + 8910111213 + 141516171819= 150426287722 = 19 x 7917173038

FACT 17. Consider the numbers that represented each word of the Basmalah in Fact 16. Instead of adding these numbers, we write each one down, followed by the sequence number of the word. For example, the first number, 123, which represents the first word, is followed by 1. The second number, 4567, which represents the second word, is followed by 2, and so on. The result is now a 33-digit number, also a multiple of 19:
1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 4 = 19 x 64813512047900 . . .

FACT 18. This fact is based on three numbers only. We know that the Basmalah consists of 4 words, 19 letters with a total gematrical value of 786. Now, let us put these numbers together. The result is a 6-digit number, a multiple of 19:
4 19 786 = 19 x 22094

FACT 19. The Basmalah is Verse 1 of the Quran. It consists of 19 Arabic letters. These 19 letters constitute the four words with the number of letters in each word being 3, 4, 6, and 6 respectively. Based on this information, let us write down 1 for the verse number, followed by 19 for the number of letters, and followed by 3, 4, 6, and 6 for the letters in each word of the Basmalah. The result is a 7-digit number as follows:
1 19 3466 = 19 x 19 x 19 x 174
As we see, this number is not only once, or twice, but three times a multiple of 19. Is it feasible for such an intricate, interwoven, and absolutely awesome mathematical system to be nothing more than coincidence?


It is very incredible for the four words and the 19 letters of the Basmalah to result in so many numerical combinations based on the number 19. These combinations do not seem to be haphazard either. They are very consistent. For instance, let us look at the numbers in Facts 2 through 9. As you may have noticed, the numbers in these facts are in the same format:
1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? = n
The numbers 1-4 represent the four words of the Basmalah. The question marks represent any integer number. The resultant number "n" is a multiple of 19. There are only two possible explanations for these numbers in Facts 2-9 being in this format. One explanation is that all this is coincidence. After all, miraculous things do occasionally occur that cannot be explained easily, if at all. The only other explanation is that the Basmalah has been deliberately structured in a certain way to result in this remarkable mathematical system. Let us try to figure out which explanation makes more sense based on probability theory.

First, what is the probability (chances) for the Basmalah's mathematical composition to occur by coincidence? Can we compute this probability? If we can, how? Based on our assumption of coincidental occurrence, we can treat each number in Facts 2-9 as a random number. The probability of several random numbers being not only in a certain format, but also forming a number "n" that is a multiple of 19, can be difficult to compute unless we make some assumptions to simplify the problem. For example, the highest probability (the best chance) of obtaining "n" will be when we assume that the four numbers represented by the question marks above are all single digit numbers (0-9). In that case, the resultant number ©nª will have 8 digits since we know that the other four numbers are also single digit (1-4). Then we can easily compute the probability of 8 random numbers resulting in the desired format. Let us see how we can do this. Imagine that we are playing a lottery. This lottery requires that we draw 8 numbers that are between 0 and 9. Anyone who satisfies the following conditions wins the jackpot: 1. The first number must be 1. 2. The third number must be 2. 3. The fifth number must be 3. 4. The seventh number must be 4. 5. All the numbers when put side by side must form a numbethat is a multiple of 19.

The resultant 8-digit lottery numbers can vary anywhere from 00000000 to 99999999. This means there are 100 million possible outcomes or combinations. How many times will the above winning conditions be satisfied out of this many combinations? If we knew the answer, then we could determine the probability or the chances of winning the lottery. In order to answer this question, we wrote a computer program to go through every number from 0 to 99,999,999 and determine all the numbers that will satisfy the desired conditions. This program found only 527 such numbers which ranged from 10,203,247 (first possible combination) to 19,293,949 (last possible combination). Therefore, the chances of winning this lottery is 527 out of 100 million or 1 out of 189,753. Based on this information, we can say that the probability of the occurrence of the mathematical phenomenon described in Fact 2, is 189,753 to 1. The probability of the mathematical phenomenon in Fact 2 and Fact 3 occurring by coincidence is the same as winning our lottery twice. To determine the probability of winning the lottery twice, we multiply 189,753 by 189,753:
189,753 * 189,753 = 36,006,201,009

In other words, the probability of the mathematical phenomenon in Fact 2 and Fact 3 occurring by coincidence is less than 1 in 36 billion. In comparison, in the California state lottery where six numbers are drawn out of 51, someone has to buy about 18 million $1 tickets to cover every 6-number combination for the grand prize. Therefore, the chances of winning the California lottery, 1 in 18 million, is much better than the chances of the mathematical phenomenon in Fact 2 and Fact 3 occurring by coincidence.Now, let us try the same process once more, and pick another set of eight numbers that will also meet the winning conditions. To determine the probability of winning the lottery three times, or the probability of the mathematical phenomenon in Fact 2, Fact 3 and Fact 4 occurring by coincidence, we multiply 189,753 by itself three times:
189,753 * 189,753 * 189,753 = 6,832,284,660,060,777

The above number is close to seven quadrillion! If you are wondering what a quadrillion is, you are not alone. We had to look in the dictionary to find out what follows the trillions. Thus, there is an almost 1 in seven quadrillion probability that Fact 2, Fact 3, and Fact 4 will occur by coincidence. As you can see, by considering just three of several mathematical facts, we realize that the probability of such numerical combinations occurring by coincidence is extremely miniscule. It is very clear that this probability will approach zero as we take more and more mathematical facts into consideration.

Therefore, one would be illogical to even suggest that the mathematical composition of the Basmalah is nothing more than a mere coincidence. If we rule out the possibility of coincidence, then we have to accept the other explanation that the Basmalah has been deliberately structured in a particular way to result in this remarkable mathematical system. Can we also rule out the possibility for such an intricate system being designed by any other than God? All this will be discussed in the following sections and chapters of this book. It is up to the individual to draw his or her own conclusions from these presentations.
