Monday 4 July 2011

Rule#19 Rule of Exercise (RUEX)

The Rule

            God has designed our body to take in energy through eating and to burn that energy through physical activities such as working, walking, running, farming etc. The problem with the modern world is that most of us work around 8 hours every day for 5 days a week and rather than doing physical work, most of us are doing office work which do not require much energy at all. Due to this condition, there is imbalance between energy intake through eating and energy burning through physical activities. This imbalance will cause our body to store the excess energy (sugar) into glycogen and fats etc. This imbalance will also cause our body to work harder for example to convert the excess energy (sugar/glucose) into glycogen and fats etc. This process of converting energy (sugar/glucose) into glycogen and fats is done by an organ called pancreas through the release of the hormone insulin. If this imbalance is not corrected over a long period of time, our body will suffer due to excess fats and our organs will also suffer due to overstress. The end results are chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes when your pancreas organ fails. So the only way to correct this imbalance of energy intake and burning is either by eating less food or by doing more physical energy i.e. through exercising. 

How to implement this rule?

            When we talk about exercise, we always imagine it to be hard work. In our mind, exercise means jogging or running for 30 minutes to 1 hour, sweating a lot. This is not necessarily true. Walking is also a form of exercise and it is easier to do than jogging. First let us get the facts right. Consider these facts about jogging and walking.
1.     A person who walks 1 km burn the same energy as a person who jogs 1 km. Jogging is better because it increase the heart rate, increase the oxygen intake and stress the muscle making the heart, lung and leg muscle stronger.
2.     The intensity and duration of jogging or other exercise has to be improved gradually to prevent any injuries and it is recommended to get advice from doctors before starting any exercise routine.
3.     Walking is easier on the heart, lung and muscle so it is more suitable for older people compared to jogging which is more suitable for younger people.
4.    Walking and jogging are part of aerobic exercise. Aerobic means oxygen burning exercise. There are other forms of exercise such as weight lifting which is an anaerobic exercise in order to build the muscle. Muscle stretching to improve flexibility is also another form of anaerobic exercise.
So regardless of your age, fitness level and condition you can always exercise. The key is to exercise according to your age, fitness level and condition. Care has to be taken not to overstress or overdo it. It is best to get advice from your doctors before you start any exercise program.
Since most of us have a job, the only time we can exercise is after work between 6-7 pm, during the night and during weekend. The best is to aim the duration of exercise for around 5 hours every week. The least is to exercise between 3-5 times every week with at least 20 minutes per duration of exercise.

The benefit of this rule

            Everyone knows that exercise is good for your health. We learn this since we were kids during Physical Exercise (PE) program. I list down below all the benefits of aerobic exercise, muscle building exercise and stretching exercises so that you will know that there are so much benefits of exercise that you should go and do it.

The benefit of aerobic exercise

1.              Increase the amount of oxygen in the body and the flow of oxygen to the brain
2.              Improve blood circulation and the ability to make better use of oxygen
3.           Detoxify our body through stimulation of lymphatic system, stimulation of bowel movement and sweating 
4.              Helps us lose weight
5.      Eliminate and manage stress, anxiety and depression through the release of endorphins, the natural painkillers.
6.         Minimum exercise of 30 minutes will make your body release endorphins, the body’s own morphine, perfectly legal that calms the body and makes you able to think constructively again.
7.              Stimulates the immune system
8.        Reduces the risk of certain disease such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer e.g. colon and breast cancer. Jogging and walking can stimulate bone growth therefore reducing the risk of osteoporosis while swimming reduce the risk of arthritis.
9.              Strengthen the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs
10.           Strengthen and enlarge the heart muscle
11.           Live longer
12.           Strengthen the muscle throughout the body
13.           Lowers heart rate and blood pressure
14.           Increase level of good HDL cholesterol in blood and lower bad LDL cholestrol
15.           Improvement of glucose metabolism reduces insulin resistance and therefore lowers the risk of diabetes or regulates better the disease if it has already occurred
16.           Greater resistance to fatigue and increase your stamina
17.           Helps us to sleep better

The benefits of anaerobic exercise – weight lifting

1.              Helps lose fat
2.              Make you strong and fit
3.              Make you have more energy
4.              Tone, lift, firm and shape your body
5.              Build stronger muscles and bones
6.              Help your body balance
7.              Help prevent osteoporosis
8.              Increase your lean body mass and therefore increase your metabolism

The benefits of anaerobic exercise – stretching

1.              Relief from pain
2.              Increased energy level
3.              Increased flexibility
4.              Better range of motion of the joints
5.              Greater circulation of blood to various parts of the body
6.              Relaxation and stress relief
7.              Enhanced muscular coordination
8.              improved posture
9.              greater sense of well-being
10.           Helps prevent injuries such as muscle strains
11.           Reduce muscle tension and fatigue
12.           Help you feel good

More about this rule

            Exercise is for everyone, young or old, rich or poor. You don’t need to have expensive exercise equipment to exercise although it is an advantage to have one. You don’t need to spend money to exercise, only your time. It cost very little to exercise but the benefits are very huge. With so much health benefits related to aerobic and anaerobic exercise. It is a wonder why people are being lazy and do not exercise. Perhaps it is because the benefit of doing exercise does not materialize immediately. If you combine the Rule of Exercise with the Rule of Linear and Compounding effect, perhaps you could find the answer. The answer is that if you exercise consistently for a long period of time, then you will accumulate the benefits of those consistent exercise through compounding effect and perhaps much much later during your old age, you will see the benefit of consistent exercise that you have done consistently during your younger years.

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