Saturday 2 July 2011

Rule#29 Rule of Greeting, Smiling and Laughter (RUGRESMILA)

The Rule

            Have you heard of the phrase ‘smile and the whole world smiles with you?’. It is a pity that so many people underestimate the benefits of smiling. Smiling is so easy to do yet not many people are not doing it. Smiling is the easiest way to build relationship. Smile to a stranger and that stranger could be your friend. Smile to your friend and your friend could be your best friend. Smile to your husband/wife and your husband/wife will know that you love him/her. Smile to your colleague and he/she might assist you with your work.  Smile is easy, free and creates a very good impression and provides enormous benefits, both for those who give and those given a smile. According to Mother Teresa, every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. Smile is a universal language which is done the same way in every part of the world. Intuitively, people tend to get attracted towards those who smile genuinely.
            There is also another phrase on laugher as follows: “laughter is the best medicine”. It is also a pity that so many people underestimate the benefits of laughter. Laughter is the sign of happiness, joy and amusement. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body.

How to implement this rule?

            Don’t take this life too seriously. Put up a happy face when you talk to others. Be a happy and cheerful person. Laugh at the jokes made by others. Tell jokes to others. Laugh even at yourself when you make silly mistakes. Watch comedies and listen to funny stories.

The benefit of this rule

            There are so many benefits of smiling and laughing. I think the best ways to illustrate the benefits of smiling and laughing is by providing those in point forms as follows:

1. makes us attractive
2. it is contagious
3. relieves stress
4. boosts our immune system
5. lowers our blood pressure
6. releases Endorphins, natural pain killers and Serotonin that calms the mind
7. lifts the face and makes you younger
8. makes us seem successful
9. helps us stay positive

1. increases antibodies in saliva that combats upper respiratory infections
2. decreases serum cortisol, thus providing an antidote for harmful effects of stress
3. secretes an enzyme that protects the stomach from forming ulcers
4. conditions the abdominal muscles
5. relaxes muscles throughout the body
6. aids in reducing symptoms of neuralgia and rheumatism
7. changes perspective
8. makes us feel good
9. helps move nutrients and oxygen to body tissues
10. releases endorphins, which provide natural pain relief
11. helps the body fight infection
12. liberates interleukin-2 and other immune-boosters
13. reduces blood pressure and heart rate
14. improves ventilation, thus helping reduce chronic respiratory conditions
15. has a positive benefit on mental functions

More about this rule

According to the prophet Muhammad SAW, ‘a smile is a good deed’. This is the easiest deed that we can perform. It is free, does not require much effort and has a very positive effect. Apart from smiling, the prophet Muhammad SAW also encourages Muslim to greet others with Salam i.e. ‘Assalamualaikum’ meaning ‘peace be upon you’ and to shake hands when we meet other Muslims. Care has to be taken that we do not shake hands with the opposite sex because this is not lawful in Islam. The easiest way to smile to other people is by greeting them. When you greet other people, your face will automatically smile. Try it and see for yourself. So every time you meet someone, greet him properly, smile and shake his hand. If you are a Muslim, greet your fellow Muslim with ‘Assalamualaikum’.

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