Tuesday 21 June 2011

Rule#3 Rule of Success (ROSE)

The Rule

            To be successful is very simple. Success is a game. The more you play it the more you will become successful. And the more successful you are, the more you want to play it.       

What is this rule?

            This rule just means ‘practice makes perfect’. What it means is that if you want to acquire a skill, there is no other way than to just do it. Can you learn to swim just by reading a book on how to swim? No you can’t. You need to know some theories, but for you to be able to swim, you just need to go to the pool and try swimming. The more you swim the better swimmer you will be. You can only master an art by practicing doing it.
            All the grand things in this world have a humble beginning. A multi-million dollar company, a Doctor of Philosophy qualification, even a world class athletic skill has to start somewhere and the starting point is usually humble. The reason that a company becomes multi-million, or a person acquires his Doctor of Philosophy qualification or an athlete becomes world class is because they grow. So whatever it is that you are doing, make it grow. If you are working for a company, make your job skills grow. If you are a businessman, makes your business grow. If you are a student, make your knowledge grow. And the best part is the more you grow the more potential that you have for even greater growth. That is the meaning of this rule. Once you have grown, you will feel great and you will want to grow even more.
            The growth of anything will come to a halt when people think that they have reached their potential limit or when they give up. For example, there are some businessmen who have been doing the same thing for a long time, having the same business, having the same shop and having the same amount of income. They don’t try to expand their businesses because they think that they don’t have what it takes to grow even more and they are comfortable with what they already have. Furthermore, to try and grow their business will involve some risk that they are not willing to take. It is true that when you try to grow, sometimes you will make mistakes along the way and mistakes could be painful. But with mistakes come knowledge and experience. You will learn not to make the same mistakes again and with that knowledge you will grow.
            As an analogy, I always compare an attempt to grow with riding a bicycle. When you were small, seeing someone riding a bicycle always make you want to learn how to ride one. And when that day comes and you got your own bike, you were always afraid to ride it at first because you were afraid to fall down. But sooner or later, the joy of riding your own bike will always washed out the fear of falling from a bike and you would soon try riding your bike. Yes, mistakes were made along the way and you would fall down a couple of times. But then with each fall, you gained experience and skill to ride a bike, and after some time, voila, you could ride a bike. If only we apply the same principle of trying to ride a bike during our childhood days in our adult life, then we would have even more potential for growth.

How to implement this rule?

            To implement this rule, you just have to do it! There is no other way, just do it!

The benefit of this rule

            You will understand that learning an art only makes you know it but practicing what you know will make you master the art.

More about this rule

            Some people are afraid to try something new. During my early days of working, I tried a few part time jobs. I joined and quitted 3 multi level marketing (MLM) companies. Well, some of my money was lost in the investment but I have no regrets. I learned some valuable experiences and at least I know that MLM is not for me. From the experience, I understand better the MLM industry such as the amount of work required, the marketing skill required, the competition involved, the risk involved and the rewards for successful entrepreneurs. I can say that as of now, I am not MLM material but who knows what will happen in the future. I might just find the right MLM company that is suitable for me. With the knowledge and experience from the previous endeavors, I am in position to benefit should I find the right MLM company in the future.

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