Tuesday 21 June 2011

The Rules of Greatness: How to Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy

Assalamualaikum and good day dear friends,

            The world that we live in is full of rules or law and regulation. Each country in this world has its own unique rules or law and regulation. Whatever the rules are, the aim of the rules is always the same, to guide morally each individual for the benefit of the community.
            Not only we have the rules of the country, but each religion in this world also has its rules with the same aim, to guide each individual morally for the benefit of the community. Without the rules that govern a country and a religion, an individual will lose guidance morally. For these individuals who do not obey these rules, they will commit crime, they will become morally corrupt and they will do bad things etc. Therefore, the rules that govern a country and a religion are very important to ensure the harmony of the community.
            Therefore, why not have rules for yourself? I call the rules in this book the rules of greatness because I hope that people will become great by following the rules in this book which I hope will make them happier, healthier and wealthier. These rules will serve as guidance for you no matter in good or bad times. I have personally compiled, thought of and followed to the best of my ability the rules in this book. They have served me well during my good and bad times.
            The bulk of the rules in this book is on ‘how to become rich’ because I believe not having enough money is the source of many problems in this world. Beggars, robbers, bribe acceptors, and cheaters exist because they do not have enough money, or they seem to think that the money that they have is not enough. The health rule comes from the fact that wealth without health is miserable. However, there are also general motivation rules in this book that will guide you in bad times just as they had guided me in my bad times.
            Lastly, I would like to thank those who have supported me in publishing this book especially my parents who have given me so much in life, my mentors, my friends who have supported me in publishing this book and other people who have contributed either directly or indirectly in publishing this book.
            I do hope that this book will benefit you and would like to thank you very much for buying this book. May God bestows us with ‘rezeki’ (wealth) and ‘berkat’ (blessing). Amin.
Syuaib bin Saleh

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