Sunday 26 June 2011

Rule#12 Rule of Good Deeds and Bad Deeds (ROGAB)

The Rule

            If you want to do good deeds, then you will be faced with many difficulties. If you want to do bad deeds, then you will find it easy to perform. The reason? Difficult things are more valuable than easy things.

What is this rule?

            This rule stresses that good deeds will always beget good result while bad deeds will beget bad results as well. The more difficult to perform a good deed, the more reward in the hereafter if you perform that good deed. A bad deed will always be easy to perform, but as a result, you will get the wrath of God in the hereafter.

How to implement this rule?

            Please note that even though good deeds are more difficult to perform than bad deeds, but the reward of performing good deeds is heaven which is more valuable than anything else in this world. However, on the other hand, if you perform bad deeds, you will be punished even in this world by the feeling of guilt, and by the authority if you get caught and by God since you will be far away from God's blessing. If you escape the punishment in this world, the punishment in the hereafter is even greater, being thrown into the fire of hell.

The benefit of this rule

             Perform good deeds as much as possible and don’t ever perform any bad deeds at all. The world will be a much better place to live in. Repent if you have performed any bad deed.

More about this rule

            Have you ever wondered why diamonds and gold are so valuable? It is because they are rare, so hard to find (inside the earth) and so hard to acquire (ask the gold and diamond miners!). You see, the harder something is, the more valuable it is.

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