Friday 24 June 2011

Rule#20 Rule of Brain (RUBRAIN)

The Rule

            Our brain is probably one of the most amazing things in the world. Everything that we can do, it is thanks to our brain. For example, you might need the eyes in order to see. But what really happens is that light will travel from an object to your eyes. This light will form an image in your retina. This image of light will then be converted to electrical signal and then sent to the brain for processing. So the end result is that we are actually using our brain to see. It is the same for all our five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. We use our brain to process all the information from our senses. Our brain also has many more functions, whether consciously or subconsciously. For example our brain is regulating heartbeat. We know that our heartbeat will change according to certain situations such as exercising. This is done without us being aware of it i.e. subconsciously.
            We also use our brain for all the conscious actions that we make. For example when you want to walk, an electrical signal will travel from your brain to your legs muscle. Your leg muscles will then contract sequentially to enable you to walk. We do this automatically that we hardly notice all these processes of signaling from the brain to the muscles.
            We use our brain to remember facts, for thinking and make decisions, for organizing an event, to enjoy music, to enjoy food, and much more. Therefore it is important that we take some actions in order to maintain and strengthen the functions of our brain so that our brain can perform its ability well for our own benefit. 

How to implement this rule?

            Our brain is similar to our muscle. For example our muscle can be strengthened through consistent and systematic weight lifts. In similar way, our brain can also be strengthened through consistent and systematic challenges that stimulate our brain. Just as it takes effort to build your muscle, it also takes effort to boost your brain power. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change – even into old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural pathways, alter existing connections, and adapt and react in ever-changing ways. The brain’s incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory. You can harness the natural power of neuroplasticity to improve your cognitive abilities, enhance your ability to learn new information, and improve your memory.
            Similar to the physical exercise to strengthen your body, your brain also require exercise in order to improve its function. The following are some of the ways that we can perform in order to exercise our brain:
            1. Engage in a continuous activity. This is almost always the case for young people. When we are very young, we go to school, college and then university for education. During this period, we are involved in learning. The process of learning will shape our brain to receive information, organize information and use information. This will strengthen our brain in preparation for the next step in our life. The next step in our life is working after we graduate from university. Working involved a lot of cognitive functions in our brain such as organizing events, completing assignment, application of knowledge, problem solving etc. Both learning and working are good for our brain because by learning and working our brain is stimulated with activities almost on daily basis. If you are currently a student or a worker, then you are already strengthening your brain on daily basis. If you are a pensioner, then you need to fill your daily activity with meaningful actions such as gardening, grandparenting, being involved in clubs or societies. The point is if we don’t perform any activity on daily basis and just be a couch potatoes we will surely slowly have declined strength in our brain functions. 
            2. Play games that stimulate the brain. There are many games out there that stimulate the brain. Some of the examples are chess, Sudoku and scrabble. Certain computer games can also stimulate the brain, especially the strategic type such as Command and Conquer, Warcraft, Starcraft etc. The puzzle type computer game can also stimulate the brain such as Tetris, Plant vs Zombies etc.
            3. Read books, especially books that throw new ideas into your mind. Reading not only stimulates your brain, but it also gives you new knowledge. The first verse in the Quran being given to the prophet Muhammad SAW is ‘IQRA’ which means read. There are so many benefits of reading such as improving our vocabulary, memory, creativity, writing skills, concentration and focus, analytical thinking, expanding our horizon, reducing stress and builds self-esteem. It can even change your life.
            4. Reduce your time of watching TV. When you watch TV, you passively take in the information projected into the TV screen. It does not enhance your thinking ability at all. Furthermore, watching TV will kill your imagination, cause major and minor behavior in children and waste your time. The only good programs to watch on TV are the news and educational program. There are also some good movies out there, especially the ones that instill good values. Apart from these good programs and movies, we should reduce our time for watching TV. Substitute the time you have by not watching TV with reading, playing sports with friends, socializing with family and friends or engaging in a forum on the internet etc. 
5. Have a personal project. It does not matter what kind of project that you have. You could aim for a financial project to give you a side income. Or you could aim for a charitable project to get rewards from God. Writing this book is a personal project to me with the aim of sharing the knowledge that I know with other people LILLAHITAALA and at the same time, trying to get extra income from selling this book.

The benefit of this rule

            Having both a fit body and a wonderful brain is essential for your health. Therefore you need to consistently exercise both your body and your brain. Having an active and great brain not only helps you to go through the challenges in your life but it also helps you to avoid brain related disease such as Alzheimer, Dementia and Senile which are usually related to aging. By leading a brain-healthy lifestyle, you can prevent the symptoms of those diseases entirely. You can even slow down or even reverse those diseases which are caused by the deterioration of your brain due to the effect of aging.
More about this rule

To show the importance of the brain I will show that there are so many words that describe a person who is brainy. Please find the examples below:
Words related to a brainy person are intelligent, book-smart, street-smart, cunning, wise, educated, genius, outsmart, smart, brilliant, knowledgeable, talented, skillful, gifted, clever, bright, sharp, mastermind, whiz kid, guru.

To conclude this rule, please find below some amazing facts about the brain:

1.         The brain only comprises 2% of the body mass, but consumes 20 to 25% of the body’s oxygen supply.
2.         About 750 ml of blood pumps through your brain every minute.
3.         The right side of the brain controls the left part of the body and vice versa.
4.         Nerve impulse to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles an hour.
5.         The brain operates on the same amount as 10-watt light bulb.
6.         The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Enclyclopedia Britannica
7.         Current estimates of brain capacity range from 1 to 1000 terabytes.
8.         The brain has better algorithms for compressing certain types of information than computers do.
9.         The brain is much more active at night than during the day.
10.      Scientists say the higher your IQ the more you dream.
11.      Neurons continue to grow throughout human life.
12.      Information travels at different speeds within different types of neurons.
13.      The human brain is approximately 75% water.
14.      The number of internal thought pathways that your brain is capable of producing is one followed by 10.5 million kilometers of standard typewritten zero’s! (source: Tony Buzan, Head Strong 2001)
15.      Your brain is capable of having more ideas than the number of atoms in the known universe! (source: Tony Buzan, Head Strong 2001)
16.      100,000 = the number of miles of blood vessels in your brain. 1,000 to 10,000 = the number of synapses for each neuron in your brain. 100 billion = the number of neurons in your brain.
17.      70,000 is the number of thoughts that it is estimated the human brain produces on an average day.

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